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TCEH Environmental History Research Seminar TCEH

Unless indicated otherwise, all events take place in the Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub


Environmental History Research Seminar Series Autumn 2024

Thursday, 26 September, 12 noon Katja Bruisch, Diogo de Carvalho Cabral, Francis Ludlow, Tim Stott, Trinity College Dublin “A History of Bad Ideas about Climate and Nature” (an event as part of the Trinity Arts & Humanities Research Festival 2024)

Thursday, 3 October, 3 PM Eugene Costello, University College Cork “Environmental Knowledge and Adaptability in Rural Communities of North-West Europe, c.1200-1800”

Monday, 14 October, 1 PM Sarah Comyn, University College Dublin “The Geopower of Diamondiferous Soil: Racialised Energy and Labour of South African Literature”

Monday, 11 November, 1 PM Emily Schwalbe & Rory Connolly, Trinity College Dublin “4-Oceans: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studying the History of Human Entanglements with Marine Environments”

Monday, 25 November, 1 PM *** online event **** Regina Duarte, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais “Maned Wolf, the Explorer: Conflict and Coexistence in the Brazilian Cerrado” Zoom link: Meeting ID: 980 9641 1529 Passcode: 131735

Events of the past


Wednesday, 24 January, 1pm (Arts Building 3126:SL Lecture room A) Bruce Campbell (Queen’s University) Changing historical and environmental perspectives on the Great Northern European Famine of 1315-22

Wednesday, 14 February, 2pm (Arts Building 2043:SL THOMAS DAVIS THEATRE) Emily Schwalbe (TCEH, Trinity College Dublin) Beyond the Panopticon: Co-creating land, labour, and everyday life on colonial rice plantations

Monday, 26 February, 4pm (Aras an Phiarsaigh, AP2.05:SL Lecture room) Eugene Costello (University College Cork) Environmental knowledge and adaptability in rural communities of north-west Europe, c.1200-1800

Wednesday, 13 March, 4pm – online Hanne Cottyn (Ghent University) Navigating territorial loss and reconstitution in a more-than-human landscape. Entangled totora and Uru Qotzuñi histories in the Lake Poopó basin, Bolivia

Wednesday, 27 March, 2pm – online Benoît Henriet (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) Foraging, colonialism and more-than-human agency in Central Africa

Wednesday, 10 April, 2pm – Maxwell5:SL Maxwell Lecture Theatre 1.03 (A) David Brown (Queen’s University) Reelin’ in the years: Irish dendrochronological research


Wednesday, 27 September, 4PM - online - Iryna Skubii (Queen’s University, Kingston) A Famine Food or a Fatal Seed? Human Survival and Plants during the Soviet Famines in Ukraine

Wednesday, 11 October, 4PM - online - Fredrik Albritton Johnson (University of Chicago) & Carl Wennerlind (Barnard College, Columbia University) Book presentation Scarcity: A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis (Harvard University Press, 2023)

Thursday, 19 October, 5PM (Arts Building, 5083B) Verity Burke (University College Dublin) Artificial Animals: Museum Representations Beyond Taxidermy (Joint event with the Department of History of Art and Architecture)

Wednesday, 1 November , 4:30 PM (Neill Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub) Patrick Bresnihan (Maynooth University) Book presentation All we want is the Earth! Land, Labour and Movements beyond Environmentalism (Bristol University Press, 2023)

Thursday, 26 January 4PM – online Claudia Leal (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá) “On distinction (or the lack thereof): Notes on a history of Colombian dogs”

Wednesday, 15 February – 4PM online “Beyond the classroom: Careers in the environmental humanities and neighbouring fields,” Panel discussion featuring • Hannah Feldman (Program Coordinator, Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale University) • Emma Gilleece (Communications & Stakeholder Manager, RWE Renewables, Ireland) • Wanda Marcussen (Sustainability Consultant, KPMG Norway)

Thursday, 23 March, 1PM – in person (PX2.1, Leinster House) TCEH PhD students present their work • Gabriel Coleman: “Handiwork: fertiliser flows and Ireland's farmland imaginary” • Kunyan Zhen: “North Atlantic Marine Fauna and High Politics in England, c.1550-1640”

Wednesday 5 April, 4PM – online Giacomo Bonan (University of Turin) “The History of the Engineers: Hydraulics and Erudite Scholarship in Nineteenth Century Venice”

Thursday, 13 April, 5PM – in person (5083b, Arts Building) Hiroki Shin (Queen’s University Belfast) “Forest Crisis, Agricultural Extension and the ‘Solar Bath’ in Post-WWII Japan – A Failed Energy Transition?”


Friday, 23 September 4PM – in person (Arts Building, room 5039) Ricardo Henrique Rao (indigenist-in-exile) “Indigenous Land Rights in Latin America” * This event has been organized in collaboration with the Latin America Solidarity Centre (LASC). LASC is funded by Irish Aid. This seminar does not necessarily represent Irish Aid views and opinions.

Wednesday, 28 September 4PM – online Eglė Rindzevičiūtė (Kingston University London) “Can nuclear cultural heritage be subversive? Insights from the fieldwork in Russian atomic heritage sites”

Wednesday, 19 October 4PM - online Dominik Hünniger (Hamburg University) “Collection Ecologies – a Global Environmental History of the Museum Godeffroy 1861-1885”

Wednesday, 2 November 4PM – online Darya Tsymbalyuk (Oxford University) “More-than-human worlds and Russia's war on Ukraine”

Wednesday, 23 November 4PM – in person (room tbc) TCEH PhD students present their work; - Rhonda McGovern, “Historical climatology and cataloguing the Astronomical Diaries of Ancient Babylonia” - Lily Toomey, “Working peatlands: labour and nature in Ireland's industrial bogs”


6 April, 4PM Bo Poulsen (Aalborg University) “Patterns of coping: the impact of natural disasters in 19th century Denmark”

Thursday, 28 April, 4PM Shen Hou (Renmin University) “The Wealth of the Golden Mountain, the Nature of the Pearl River: How American Chinese Migrants Transformed Their Homeland”

Wednesday, 2 February, 4PM Andrew Watson (University of Saskatchewan) “Fossil Fuels and Industrial Agriculture: Social Metabolism on the High Plains of the United States, 1880-2000”

Wednesday, 23 February, 4PM Clara Dawson (University of Manchester / Trinity Long Room Hub) “Avian Poetics and Material Forms in the Long Nineteenth Century”

Tuesday, 15 March, 5PM “Beyond the classroom: Careers in the environmental humanities and neighbouring fields,” Panel discussion featuring - Elaine Nevin (National Director, ECO-UNESCO Ireland) - Ryan Burg (Principal Business Analyst in Smart Grid Programs , Commonwealth Edison, Northern Illinois) - Sinéad Mercier (Lecturer in Planning, Environmental Law & Policy and UCD Sutherland School of Law PhD Researcher with the ERC-funded project PROPERTY [IN]JUSTICE)

Tuesday, 23 March, 5PM Shane McCorristine (Newcastle University), “Ghost Species: Spectral Geographies of Biodiversity Conservation”

Tuesday, 6 April, 5PM Mauro Agnoletti (University of Florence / FAO Agricultural Heritage Program – GIAHS),“Nature and culture in sustainable development”

Wednesday, 28 April, 1PM Andrea Gaynor (University of Western Australia), “Environmental history of childhood”

Tuesday, 9 March, 5PM Juliana Adelman (Dublin City University), “More-than-human urban histories”

Wednesday, 10 February, 7PM “The Environmental Humanities between Vocation and Profession” – Roundtable discussion featuring;

  • Ruth Brennan, Independent Scholar; Co-Founder & Co-Lead, Marine Social Sciences Network Ireland; European Parliament Policy Advisor; Visiting Research Fellow at TCEH; Honorary Fellow, Scottish Association for Marine Science
  • Anne Husum Marboe, Development Manager, The Wadden Sea National Park
  • Garrett Nelson, Curator of Maps & Director of Geographic Scholarship, Leventhal Map & Education Center, Boston Public Library
  • Emily Toner, Communications Specialist and Community Manager at ISRIC - World Soil Information in Wageningen, Netherlands
  • Tuesday, 16 February, 6PM Ryan Jones (University of Oregon), “Stalinist Cetology and the Anthropocene in the Oceans”

    Thursday, 8th of October, 4PM Verena Winiwarter (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna): “The insidious legacies of mining”

    Tuesday, 20th of October, 6 PM Eleonora Rohland (University of Bielefeld), “Unfamiliar Environments in the Caribbean 1494-96: A Famine, an ‘Indigenous Conspiracy’, and/ or a Climate Anomaly?”

    Tuesday, 3rd of November, 7PM John McNeill (Georgetown University, Washington DC) – "Global Environmental History of the Industrial Revolution, ca 1780-1920

    Tuesday, 1st of December, 7PM Donald Worster (University of Kansas/ University of Renmin) – “How Nature Determines: Land, Climate, and Reproduction”


    4 May 2017 Prof Poul Holm will present findings of the Norfish project at the early modern social and economic history seminar, Cambridge University, UK.

    5 May 2017 Dr Katja Bruisch will give a presentation at the University of Santiago de Compostela's Agricultural History Group.

    9-13 May 2017 Dr. Francis Ludlow will co-convene at a session at PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting (OSM), Zaragoza, Spain. Session entitled: "Volcanic eruptions: the thread connecting climate records, societal change and future climate projections?"

    5-7 June 2017 Dr Francis Ludlow will give a presentation entitled "Consilience of Human and Natural Archives to Advance Understanding of how Climate Change Impacted Past Societies" as part of 'Scientific Approaches to the Study of the Past: A Three Day Summer School', University of Kent, U.K.

    6-9 June 2017 Prof. Poul Holm will be attending the Sea, Land, and Spirit conference in Dingle.

    12-15 June 2017 Prof. Poul Holm will be presenting a keynote speech centred on the theme of Palaeoecology at the 3rd ESSAS Open Science Meeting in Tromso, Norway. More details here.

    22nd June 2017 Dr. Yi-peng (Yvonne) Lai of the National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan) will present a lecture on her doctoral research on "Ulysses Green-appraised: Environmental Politics and Joyce" in Trinity Long Room Hub, Neill Theatre at 6pm.

    28-30 June 2017 Prof. Poul Holm will participate in a roundtable discussion entitled "Environmental History and the Coastal Edge" at the European Society for Environmental History Biennial Conference 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia.

    28 June - 1st July 2017 Dr Katja Bruisch will participate on a panel discussion centred on "Wetlands in Northern and Eastern Europe" at the European Society for Environmental History Biennial Conference 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia.

    3-6 July 2017 Dr Francis Ludlow will give a presentation entitled "Violence and Conflict as a Consequence of Abrupt Climatic Changes and Extreme Weather in Medieval Ireland" as an invited presentation in the session "Medievalists and the Climate Sciences, Part 2: Exploring the Human Consequences of Climate" as part of the 23rd International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England.