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Current Projects

St. James's Hospital, Dublin - BIOMARKAPD - Study Outline and Protocol

BIOMARKAPD is an EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) project. The project is supported through the Health Research Board, Ireland, under the aegis of JPND.

A pilot study on the utility of CSF and blood biomarkers in the delineation of the aetiopathology of cognitive impairment and in the prediction of conversion of mild cognitive impairment to dementia

St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin

St Vincent's University Hospital is supporting the BIOMARKAPD project by recruiting suitable participants to the study (protocol). In addition, and using similar study criteria, they are recruiting patients with cognitive deficits due to Multiple Sclerosis.

Sports Surgery Clinic, Santry, Dublin

The Sports Surgery Clinic, Santry, Dublin (SSC), is a leading international centre for the treatment of orthopaedic, spinal, sports and exercise related injuries.

The SSC is supporting the BIOMARKAPD project by facilitating the recruitment of cognitively intact aged -matched controls who are undergoing lumber puncture for other indications/ clinical reasons. These patients will provide consent for use of part of their CSF sample for this research study and will undergo brief cognitive testing to exclude cognitive impairment- MoCA.

Biomarker Assay Development

As part of the wider remit of the BIOMARKAPD research project the cerebrospinal fluid and blood donations from all participating subjects will be used to further develop certified and validated AD and PD biomarker assays. It is hoped that an AD CSF neurodegenerative biomarker assay, carried out in the Central Pathology Laboratory, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, will be available to clinicians in Ireland in the very near future.

Last updated 8 January 2014 (Email).