Irish Sign Language (ISL) Awareness Week, organised by the Irish Deaf Society, celebrates the Irish Deaf community and highlights a need for improved communication between the Irish Deaf and Hearing communities through ISL awareness. 

ISL Awareness Week (18-24 September) coincides with 'International Week of Deaf People’ (IWDP), organised by the World Federation of the Deaf. The theme for this year's IWDP focuses on ‘A World Where Deaf People Everywhere Can Sign Anywhere’. 

With the expert help of Lianne Quigley, Chair of the Irish Deaf Society and Research Assistant at Trinity, Linda posted two videos in ISL to her social media channels.  

Explore Trinity’s Centre for Deaf Studies here. 

Click the images below to view the videos.

Linda standing on Trinity Front Square on a sunny day. People walking and Campanile in the background. Overlaid text above her head reads 'Happy ISL Awareness Week!'.Linda standing on Trinity Front Square on a sunny day. People walking and Campanile in the background. Overlaid text above her head reads 'International Week of Deaf People. A world where deaf people everywhere can sign anywhere.'