Linda joined several hundred second-level female students from across the country at I WISH 2024 in the RDS to explore the potential of STEM careers. 

Linda standing for a photo with four women at the CONNECT Centre stand in the I WISH Exhibition Hall. There is a table in front of them with a laptop and several props.The event featured a variety of speakers from various STEM fields, and included an exhibition hall where students could speak with STEM employers and academic institutions, including the CONNECT Centre, headquartered in  Trinity College Dublin.

To the right of the photo, Linda is speaking on a stage in the distance. To the left of the photo she is on a TV screen that is closer to the camera. Room is dark with pink lights.Linda shared her career journey with the students, pointing out that it was not until an open day at UCC that she first considered studying engineering. She encouraged students to remain open about their subject choices and career pathways, highlighting the opportunities that STEM can lead to. She also spoke about her role as Professor of Engineering and the Arts in Trinity as an example of how interdisciplinarity is now a key element of academic life.

She concluded with: