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Dr. Maria Grazia Porcedda
Assistant Professor, Law


Dr Maria Grazia Porcedda is Assistant Professor of IT Law. Her research addresses the relationship between law and technology and in particular matters of privacy, data protection, cyber security and cybercrime. Maria Grazia regularly presents her work at international academic and multi-stakeholder conferences and has published contributions in leading European law and technology venues. Her monograph, 'Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in EU Law' is due to appear with Hart Publishing in 2022.

Maria Grazia's scholarship is policy-oriented, collaborative and interdisciplinary. She is the PI in the project 'Appraising the prevention and deterrence of cybercrime in Ireland through the law' (Provost PhD Projects Award) and of a number of other awards (TRISS Research Fellowship and AHSS Beneficiary Fund). She is also member of the PROTECT ITN Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN network and an academic collaborator of ADAPT.

In 2018 Maria Grazia advised the EU Directorate General for Development and Cooperation as a Member of the Task Force on Cyber Capacity Building, coordinated by the European Union Institute for Security Studies, with which she has cooperated on matters of cyber security. She is an external member of Ethical Advisory Boards, including to the School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences and the H2020 TRESSPASS project.

Before joining the School of Law at Trinity College Dublin, Maria Grazia was a Research Fellow in the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Leeds. Previously Maria Grazia was a Research Associate within the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the Department of Law at the European University Institute in Florence, as well as the Centre de Recherche Information, Droit et Société of the University of Namur. She trained on privacy and security matters at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, Paris) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS, Brussels).

Maria Grazia holds a PhD in Law from the European University Institute with a thesis titled "Cybersecurity and Privacy Rights in EU Law. Moving beyond the Trade-off Model to Appraise the Role of Technology". She holds an LL.M. in Comparative, European and International Laws (European University Institute), an M.A. in International Relations (University of Bologna with honours from Collegio Superiore), and a B.A. in Political Science (University of Cagliari). Her early work was awarded prizes by the Lyncean Academy (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Premio Ruffini) and the Italian Information Security Association (CLUSIT). During her studies she also earned grants to visit at various institutions, including Johns Hopkins SAIS, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and University of California at Berkeley.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Maria Grazia Porcedda, The GDPR as a cyber risk management system: the ECJ cautiously tackles data breaches in the NAP case, 2024, - Miscellaneous, 2024 URL

Lina Jasmontaite-Zaniewicz, Data breach notification duties: Enhancing the protection of personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2023 Thesis, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, New Parliaments and Technology: can the EU lead the way, 105th Society of Legal Scholars conference, University of Oxford Brookes, 28 June 2023, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in EU Law, Hart Publishing, 2023, i - 344pp Book, 2023 URL

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The Ransomware Attack Against the Irish Health Service Executive: What Role for the Law in the Face of Growing Cyber Insecurity?, Irish Jurist, 70, 2023, p322 - 344 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Sentencing data-driven cybercrime. How data crime with cascading effects is tackled by UK courts, Computer Law & Security Review, 48, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Theoretical and operational approaches to the essence within the EU regulatory architecture, European Data Protection Supervisor The essence of the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection, European Parliament, 8 November 2023, 2023, European Data Protection Supervisor Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The Ransomware Attack Against the Irish Health Service Executive: What Role For the Law in The Face Of Growing Cyber Insecurity?, IALT Annual Conference, Dublin City University, 18 November 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The effacement of information technology from EU law: the need for collaborative approaches to redesign the EU"s regulatory architecture, 18th IFIP doctoral summer School, University of Oslo, 10 August 2023, 2023, University of Oslo Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity, privacy and data protection in EU law. A law, policy and technology analysis, 105th Society of Legal Scholars conference, University of Oxford Brookes, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Deirde Ahern, Victor Rodríguez Doncel, Dave Lewis, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Andrés Chomczyk Penedo, Maria Grazia Porcedda, Governing Artificial Intelligence: Designing Legal and Regulatory Responses. International Symposium, 23 May 2023, In:Book presentation, 2023, Brussels Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2023

Information Polity, 27, 2, (2022), 119-308p, Johann Cas, Paul de Hert, Maria Grazia Porcedda, Charles Raab, [Editors to special issue Questioning Modern Surveillance Technologies. Open access:], 2020-2022 Journal, 2022 URL

Maria Grazia Porcedda, On the compatibility of pandemic data-driven measures with data protection: a review of Ireland's 'under the radar' Covid-19 measures, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 73, (2), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 TARA - Full Text

Cas J., De Hert P., Porcedda M.G. and Raab C., Introduction to the Special Issue: Questioning Modern Surveillance Technologies: Ethical and Legal Challenges of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies, Information Polity, 27, (2), 2022, p10.3233/IP-229006 Journal Article, 2022 URL

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Data Protection Implications of Data Driven Measures Adopted in Ireland at the Outset of the Covid-19 Pandemic, European Data Protection Law , (2/2021), 2021, p260 - 269 Journal Article, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, David S. Wall, Modelling the cybercrime cascade effect of data crime, 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), 3rd Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations , Vienna, Virtual Conference, September 7, 2021, IEEE, 2021, pp1 - 17 Conference Paper, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Imformation Polity, Online, Sage/IoS Press, [Guest editor to special issue 'Questioning Modern Surveillance Technologies', alongside Johann Cas, Paul de Hert and Charles Raab], 2020-2024 Editorial Board, 2020 URL

Porcedda, Maria Grazia and David S. Wall, Cascade and Chain Effects in Big Data Cybercrime: Lessons from the TalkTalk hack, 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), IEEE European Symposium on Security & Privacy (S&PW), First Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations , Stockholm, 20 June 2019, IEEE, 2019, pp10.1109/EuroSPW.2019.00056 Conference Paper, 2019 DOI

Maria Grazia Porcedda, `Privacy by Design' in EU Law. Matching Privacy Protection Goals with the Essence of the Rights to Private Life and Data Protection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6th Annual Privacy Forum (APF 2018), Barcelona, 13-14 June 2018, Manel Medina, Andreas Mitrakas, Prof. Dr. Kai Rannenberg, Erich Schweighofer and Nikolaos Tsouroulas , 11079, Springer, 2018, pp183 - 204 Conference Paper, 2018

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Patching the patchwork: appraising the EU regulatory framework on cyber security breaches, Computer Law & Security Review, 34, (5), 2018, p1077--1098 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Data science, data crime and the law in, editor(s)Vanessa Mak, Eric Tjong Tjin Tai and Anna Berlee , Research Handbook in Data Science and Law, Edward Elgar, 2018, pp214 - 244, [Maria Grazia Porcedda and David S. Wall] Book Chapter, 2018

Patryk Pawlak, Dr. Andrea Calderaro, Alejandro Pinto, Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cristina Schulman, Thorsten Wetzling, International Cooperation and Development Operational Guidance for the EU's international cooperation on cyber capacity building, Luxembourg, 2018 Report, 2018

On Boundaries - Finding the Essence of the Right to the Protection of Personal Data in, editor(s)Ronald Leenes, Rosamunde van Brakel, Serge Gutwirth, Paul De Hert , Data Protection and Privacy. The Internet of Bodies, Hart Publishing, 2018, pp277 - 312, [Maria Grazia Porcedda] Book Chapter, 2018 TARA - Full Text URL

Regulation of data breaches in the European Union: Private companies in the driver's seat of cybersecurity? in, editor(s)Oldrich Bures and Helena Carrapico , Security Privatization: How Non-Security-Related Private Businesses Shape Security Governance, 2017, pp275 - 299, [Maria Grazia Porcedda] Book Chapter, 2017 URL DOI

Elisa Orrù Maria Grazia Porcedda Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Rethinking Surveillance and Control. Beyond the 'Security vs. Privacy' Debate, Nomos Verlag, 2017, 1 - 240pp Book, 2017

The Recrudescence of `Security v. Privacy' after the 2015 Terrorist Attacks, and the Value of `Privacy Rights' in the European Union in, editor(s)Elisa Orrù, Maria Grazia Porcedda and Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann , Rethinking Surveillance and Control. Beyond the 'Security vs. Privacy' Debate, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017, pp137-180 , [Maria Grazia Porcedda] Book Chapter, 2017 DOI

The manifold significance of citizens' legal recommendations on privacy, security and surveillance in, editor(s)Michael Friedewald, J. Peter Burgess, Johann Čas, Rocco Bellanova, Walter Peissl , Surveillance, Privacy and Security Citizens' Perspectives, Routledge, 2017, pp191 - 211, [Maria Grazia Porcedda] Book Chapter, 2017

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity and privacy rights in EU law. Moving beyond the trade-off model to appraise the role of technology, European University Institute, 2017 Thesis, 2017 URL

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Cyberspace, in P. Pawlak (ed), Riding the Digital Wave, Issue, Issue, 21, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, December, 2014 Report, 2014

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Lessons from PRISM and Tempora: the self-contradictory nature of the fight against cyberspace crimes. Deep packet inspection as a case study, Neue Kriminalpolitik, 25, (4), 2013, p305-409 Journal Article, 2013 URL

Law enforcement in the clouds: Is the EU data protection legal framework up to the task? in, editor(s)Serge Gutwirth, Ronald Leenes, Paul de Hert, Yves Poullet , European Data Protection: In Good Health?, 2012, pp203 - 232, [Maria Grazia Porcedda] Book Chapter, 2012

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Data Protection and the Prevention of Cybercrime: a Dual Role for Security Policy in the EU, European University Institute, 2012 Thesis, 2012 URL

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Transatlantic Approaches to Cybersecurity and Cybercrime, in P. Pawlak (ed), The EU-US Security and Justice Agenda in Action, Chaillot Papers, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2011 Report, 2011

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Data Protection and the Prevention of Cybercrime. The EU as an Area of Security?, 2011 Working Paper, 2011 URL

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity e Policy, Cybersecurity e realizzazione del mercato unico digitale, University of Bergamo, Italy, 23 February 2024, 2024, Prof. Peraro Invited Talk, 2024

Maria Grazia Porcedda, From Research Assistant to Assistant Professor, Visuaal Career Day, TCD Business School, Tangent, 16 February 2024, 2024, Dr John Dinsmore Invited Talk, 2024

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Invited discussant, Executive Masters in Cybersecurity, University of Maastricht, Brussels Campus, 25 May 2023, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, New Parliaments and Technology: can the EU lead the way, TRISS Bitesize Talk, Dublin, TRISS, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Book launch: Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in EU Law. A Law, Policy and Technology Analysis by Dr. Maria Grazia Porcedda (TCD), 2023, - Miscellaneous, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, European Parliaments, data protection and technology, DPSN International Data Protection Day Event 2023, online, 27 January 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The bad, the ugly and the accidental data breaches: (how) can we prevent them?, Hackathon 'How to prevent government data breaches and cyber-attacks from a cybersecurity and digital policing perspective?", University of Huddersfield, 13-14 February 2023, 2023, Dr Ashley Cartwright | Dr Andrea Varsori | Lindsey Brooks Dr Camilo Tamayo Gomez Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity, Privay and Data Protection in EU Law Book Launch, 19 April 2023, In:Book presentation, 2023, Trinity College Dublin, Senior Common Room Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in EU Law, TILT research meeting, Tilburg, 10 may 2023, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Reconciling Cybercrime Responses with Privacy and Data Protection in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Faculty of Law Legal Worskshops, University of Valéncia, 31 March 2023, 2023, Prof Eliseu Frigols I Brines, Prof. Carmen Azcárraga Monzonís, Prof. Paula del Val Talens, Prof. Carlos Pedrosa López, Prof. Karla Zambrano González Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in EU Law, Book presentation, The Hague, University of Leiden, 16 May 2023, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Chair of panel 2, Irish Centre for European Law's Privacy and Data Protection Law 2023 conference, Dublin, 15 June 2023, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Between the Lines: Maria Grazia Porcedda, 2023, - Miscellaneous, 2023

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The fight against cybercrime in Ireland State of the art, Western Australia State Government DGov Cyber Series,, online, 7 September 2022, 2022, WA State Government Invited Talk, 2022

Maria Gazia Porcedda, with Artur Pericles Lima Monteiro and Liza Zivkovic, chaired by Thomas Norton, Data privacy and the pandemic, Fordham International Law Journal Symposium, New York, online, 18 February 2022, 2022, Elyssa Diamond, Fordham International Law Journal Symposium, 'Defining the New Normal' Invited Talk, 2022

Maria Grazia porcedda, Cybercrime Frenzy: Cloudy Data and the cascade Effect , Cybercrimeology podcast,, 2022, Michael Joyce Invited Talk, 2022

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Cascade and Chain Effects in Big Data Cybercrime: Lessons from the TalkTalk hack, Cybersecurity and Digital Policing Hackathon, University of Huddersfield, Online, 10 February 2022, 2022, Dr Camilo Tamayo-Gomez and Dr Andrea Vasori Invited Talk, 2022

Maria Grazia Porcedda, LIBE Committee mission to Dublin, European Parliament Representation in Dublin, 22 September 2022, 2022, European Parliament Representation in Dublin Invited Talk, 2022

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Data compromise: data breaches, data crime and the law, Lecture, University of Pisa, online, 13 May, 2021, MSc Organizational Sciences and Information Technology Law Invited Talk, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Best Practice in Data Protection in Research and Beyond, Data Protection Concerns in Cross Border Research and Practice, Online, 23 June 2021, 2021, Dublin City University Invited Talk, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Sentencing data-driven cybercrimes. An examination of English & Welsh sentencing remarks through the lenses of the cybercrime cascade effect, BILETA 2021, University of Newcastle, online, 14-16 April 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Black Swans? Covid-19, Cybercrime and Large Scale Cyber-attacks in Ireland, Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development, 24th Annual Conference , Online, 8 October , 2021, Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development Invited Talk, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, with David Fennelly and Róisín A Costello, Data Protection and the COVID-19 Pandemic,, Ireland, Covid-19 Law and Human Rights Observatory, Trinity College Dublin, 2021 Report, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Sentencing data-driven cybercrime. How UK courts tackle cybercrime with cascading effects, Octopus 2021, Council of Europe (online), 16-18 November 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Sentencing data-driven cybercrime. How UK courts tackle cybercrime with cascading effects, Financial Crime: Challenges and Responses conference, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (online), 14-15 October 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Under the radar: lessons from ordinary data processing in easing pandemic lockdown. Available at: , 2020, - Miscellaneous, 2020

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Businesses need to be careful with personal data during pandemic. The Irish Times, 20 July 2020. Available at:, 2020, - Miscellaneous, 2020

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Beyond Contact-Tracing Apps: Data Protection Implications of Data-Driven Measures Adopted in Ireland to Contain Covid-19, COVID-19 and Legal Responses on the Island of Ireland, Online, 11 December 2020, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Maria Grazia Porcedda, My experience as a researcher in IT Law specialising in cybersecurity and data protection, European Researchers Night 2020, Online, 27 November 2020, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Maria Grazia Porcedda, 'Under the radar': the dangers of ordinary data processing in easing pandemic lockdown. Available at:, Data Protection and the Covid-19 pandemic, Online, 30 June, 2020, Irish Centre for European Law Invited Talk, 2020

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Privacy, data protection and selfhood, Self in the Digital World seminar, Long Room Hub, 25 February, 2020 Invited Talk, 2020

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Prosecuting Cybercrime: Courts, Data Crime and the Cascade Effect, 2nd Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime, Leiden, 16-18 October 2019, edited by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The regulation of security incidents and the making of cyber security law, EU Cybersecurity Law workshop, Cyber and Data Security Lab, VUB , Brussels, 11 October, 2019, Cyber and Data Security Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Invited Talk, 2019

Maria Grazia Porcedda, Learning from common experience to steer the future of data, EU-China Symposium on Data Security and Personal Information protection, Brussels, 29 November, 2019, Privacy Hub, Vrije Universiteit Brussels and Cybersecurity Association of China Invited Talk, 2019

Maria Grazia Porcedda, The Cybercrime Cascade Effect and Criminal Justice Responses, EUROCRIM 2019 Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 18-20 September 2019, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Appraising the prevention and deterrence of cybercrime in Ireland through the law
  • Funding Agency
    • Society of LegaL scholars
  • Date From
    • June 2022
  • Date To
    • April 2024
  • Title
    • Appraising the prevention and deterrence of cybercrime in Ireland through the law
  • Summary
    • Ireland has been touted as the data capital of Europe, thanks to it hosting both the European headquarters and data centres of Big Tech companies. This data bonanza is inevitably attracting the attention of cybercriminals: according to reports released in 2020, Ireland is witnessing a steep increase in cybercrime, including data breaches. Retaining such data leadership requires investing in strategies, including laws and regulations, to secure both the infrastructure and the data. As legislation designed explicitly to prevent or deter cybercrime is relatively recent, there is a shortage of statistics, case law and studies that provide a picture of the evolution of cybercrime in Ireland and the adequacy of legal responses. Both scholars and policy-makers alike have suggested there is a need to fill the gap through scholarly and policy research. This project aims to fill the gap by studying the implementation of the applicable law to prevent cybercrime and deter cyber-offenders and chart the incidence of instances of cybercrime.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 01/09/2021
  • Date To
    • 31/08/2025
  • Title
    • Reconciling Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Title
    • National parliaments and cybersecurity: the case study of Covid-19 parliamentary debates
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Title
    • COVID-19 Law and Human Rights Observatory
  • Summary
    • The COVID-19 Law and Human Rights Observatory "engages in research across the full range of Ireland's legal response to COVID-19" with the objective of informing the public and sparking public debate. The Observatory's Blog publishes academic commentary on Ireland's legal response to COVID-19 as it evolves. The Observatory has also been publishing a range of public policy reports that address critical aspects of Ireland's response to COVID-19 (
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • May 2020
  • Date To
    • 2021
  • Title
    • Horizon 2020 European Research Council Awards
  • Summary
    • The project funded the employment of two part-time researchers and research visits to support the drafting of the ERC Starting Grant 2021
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • 23-07-2020
  • Date To
    • 22-07-2021
  • Title
    • AHSS ERC Teaching Buy-out scheme
  • Summary
    • The purpose of the project was to support my application to the ERC Starting Grant 2021
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 29-04-2020
  • Date To
    • 31-05-2021
  • Title
    • INADAI
  • Funding Agency
    • European Union
  • Date From
    • September 2023
  • Title
    • Regulation of ICT service providers in a cybersecurity perspective under European and Swiss law
  • Funding Agency
    • Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Title
    • Cybersecurity, privacy and data protection: can we have it all?
  • Funding Agency
    • AHSS Faculty Events Fund
  • Date From
    • 18 September 2023
  • Date To
    • 26 October 2023
  • Title
    • Erasmus+
  • Summary
    • Awarded for a teaching exchange at Tilburg University
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission


cyber law; cyber security; Cybercrime; Cyberspace; data privacy; DATA PROTECTION; Data Protection Law; EU General Data Protection Regulation ; ICT and Privacy; IT law; IT Law and Policy; law and technology; PRIVACY; Privacy Law; SURVEILLANCE



Member of the European Data Protection Board Support Pool of Experts October

Invited Programme Committee Member of IEEE Europe Security & Privacy Conference 'WACCO' workshop June 2022

Invited Programme Committee member of the Cyber Research Conference Ireland 2022 25 April 2022

Member of the External Ethical Advisory Board of the H2020 TRESSPASS project (n. 787120) ( 2019

Member of the Task Force on Cyber Capacity Building, coordinated by the European Union Institute for Security Studies to advise EU Directorate General for Development and Cooperation on matters of cyber capacity building 2017

Invited member of the Scientific Committee of the Annual Privacy Forum 2024 (Karlstad University, Sweden) Winter 2024

Invited member of the Programme Committee of CPDP2024 - Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference, Brussels Winter 2024

Invited Programme Committee Member of IEEE Europe Security & Privacy Conference 'WACCO' workshop

Reviewer for Technology and Regulation (TechReg) 2022

Reviewer for Oxford University Press manuscripts 2022

Invited member of the Scientific Committee of the Cyber and Data Security Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2020

Invited to contribute to European Parliament's ad-hoc mission to Dublin on the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation. 22 September 2022

Advisory Board member of Trinity College Law Review (TCLR) 2022

Invited to the experts workshop 'Bridging the regulatory disconnect between data collection and data analysis in criminal investigation' at VU University Amsterdam 20 January 2023

Advisory Member for Data Protection of ERC Project DomEqual (PI: Sabrina Marchetti) 2017

Invited member of the Programme Committee of CPDP2021 - Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference 2021, Brussels October 2020

Invited member of the Programme Committee of CPDP2020 - Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference 2020, Brussels September 2019

Member of the Project Committee of the 16th IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management, university of Luxembourg

Programme Committee Member of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection 2019 Conference (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) December

Academic Collaborator of the ADAPT Centre February

Invited to review manuscript for European Law Journal October

Invited to contribute to Cyber Resilience Act Impact Assessment in the context of the Study supporting the European Commission preparatory work for the planned Cyber Resilience Act (CEPS, ICF and Wavestone 10 May 2022

Member of the Advisory Board of VIGILANT (H2020)

Awards and Honours

Trinity College Dublin AHSS Beneficiary Fund 2023

Trinity College Dublin Provost PhD Projects Award 29/01/2021

TRISS Academic Research Fellowship 16/06/2021

Trinity College Dublin AHSS Beneficiary Fund 27/01/2021

Enterprise Ireland European Research Council Awards 23/07/2020

AHSS ERC Teaching Buy-out scheme 29/04/2020

CLUSIT- Italian information security association, "Thesis Prize 2012" 2012

Freiburg University, FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference 2015-16 Grant 2015

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Prize "Edoardo Ruffini 2011" 2011

Licenza del Collegio Superiore, University of Bologna 2009

Society of Legal Scholars Research Research Activities Fund May 2022

Trinity College Dublin AHSS Beneficiary Fund 02/02/2023

Eramsus+ 2023 May 2023


Women 4cyber Registry 2020 – present

Europol Data Protection Experts Network 2016 – present

Society of Legal Scholars 2020 – present

BILETA via Law School (Trinity College Dublin) 2021 – present

Italian Association of Information Security (CLUSIT) 2013 – 2015

Political Studies Association of Ireland 2023 – present

Europol Data Experts Network 2023 – present

Political Studies Association of Ireland 2023 – 2023

International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) 2020 – 2021

Member of European Law Working Group 2019 – present

Member of the Working Group on Cybercrime 2017 – present

European Society of Criminology May 2022 – 2023

Collaborator to the ADAPT Centre February 2022