Jean Monnet- School of Law Scholarships 2021/22 (Turkey)

Applications are now open for September 2021 intake.
Award: Five scholarships valued 3000 euro each, applied as a reduction to the tuition fees for 2021/22 Jean Monnet Scholars from Turkey enrolling into Trinity for the following one-year programmes:
- LL.M
- LL.M International and European Business Law
- LL.M International and Comparative Law
- Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law
Requirements to apply:
- Hold an offer, firm or conditional, for one of the Trinity LLM programmes above
- Hold a Jean Monnet Scholarship
Selection Criteria: The scholarship will be applicable for the first five Jean Monnet scholars who register for the selected programmes at Trinity following placement approval by the Directorate for EU Affairs in Turkey.
Application Process: Please submit your scholarship application as follows:
- Email your application to Regional Manager for Turkey at Trinity Global Relations Office
- Subject line: Your name + Trinity application ID + Turkey: Trinity School of Law - Jean Monnet Scholarship 2021/22
- Scholarship Application Documents
- Trinity Offer Letter (Applicants must have received a conditional or firm offer of a place in one of the selected Trinity postgraduate courses).
- Letter addressed to Trinity, issued by the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme office, that your attendance to the subject programme has been approved by the Directorate for EU Affairs in Turkey.
- You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of scholarship request.
- The Trinity Regional Manager will inform you if you have been selected for a scholarship and will inform you for the process to formally accept the scholarship
To learn more about a Jean Monnet Scholar’s experience at the School of Law, please visit here