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Dr Ewa Komorek receives School Award for Teaching Excellence 2023

Congratulations to Dr Ewa Komorek

Congratulations to Dr Ewa Komorek who recently received the School Award for Teaching Excellence as part of the University’s Trinity Excellence in Teaching Awards 2023.

Dr Komorek's interests lie in international and EU law generally and more specifically in competition law, regulation of media and regulation of civil aviation. She began lecturing on our LL.M programme in the academic year 2011/12, delivering a cutting-edge EU Aviation Law module. Given vast interest from students, this module expanded into a second module focussing on International Aviation Law module in 2013/14. As the School’s LLM programmes evolved, Dr Komorek developed two further modules focussing on EU Media Regulation in 2017/18 and Regulation of Cyberspeech in 2018/19, both of which garnered much interest from LLM students from across the globe. Dr Komorek has also guided many students through their research dissertations within these facets of law.

As part of her innovative modules, Dr Komorek has arranged a vast number of paid internships for students taking her modules in the aviation industry and beyond. She takes pride in connecting her students with the industry and many of them are currently work either in media or aviation industries, such as Ryanair, Aer Lingus, aircraft leasing companies, media and aviation regulators in the EU, Ireland and other states.

Dr Komorek is a pivotal and valued member of the LLM programme. Her passion for teaching and care of her students is acknowledged by her students annually. Below is just one example of the impact she makes in the classroom: “She never ceases to inspire her students and make them want to learn more every day. Not only does she smile at everyone and is extremely friendly and approachable, but she also actively reaches out and tries to support us whenever we might seem stressed or overwhelmed. She is so beautifully humane and at the same time radiates so much knowledge and wisdom”.