Booking form


This form must be submitted SEVEN WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE (i.e. for an event to take place on a Thursday this form must be submitted no later that the preceding Thursday, and so forth)

Resident's Name
Phone number (mobile)
Email Address
Date of event (dd/mm/yy)
Location of Residence
Number of Participants
Event Time From Event Time To
  • Residents are responsible for any damage done or excessive noise resulting from a party held in Residential room. They are also responsible for the cleanliness and good order of their rooms afterwards, and for the behaviour of their guests as they leave the party. Problems have arisen when parties are visited after public house closing time. DO NOT ADMIT SUCH GUESTS
  • In particular residents holding parties which cause disturbance to other residents in College, or which are observed continuing after 11.30pm, will be fined a minimum of €30
  • Numbers attending parties in residential rooms must not exceed: 8 persons in single sets; 16 persons in double/treble sets. These numbers are subject to approval of the College Fire Officer.
  • Please note that larger gatherings may be held, with the Junior Dean's permission, in certain public College rooms. Applications must be made to the Junior Dean, or one of the Assistant Junior Deans at least SEVEN WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE.

Please note that all parties in residential rooms on campus must end not later than 11.30pm.

The Junior Dean will not consider any form which has not been completed in full.

It is Trinity Policy that smoking, including E-cigarettes, is prohibited within all residential buildings. This includes all bedrooms, kitchens and recreational spaces. In addition, the College has prohibitions on smoking in external areas of the campus. For more details, see the Healthy Trinity: Tobacco Free Trinity initiative.

Agreement of terms and conditions

I confirm that I have read the Conditions of Occupancy, and agree to abide by the College regulations in hosting this event.


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