b'Finding work & making applications\x01 \x01 \x01 \x01 s oMing tHEa useful frameworkBEc ar to help you witht answering\x01 candidatE competencyquestions atinterview is thestar approach\x01\x01\x01 \x01situation \x01Paint a picture of the \x01 task example you are going What was to use. What was the \x01 your objective? context? Describe the What was thesituation briefly problem orchallenge?\x01\x01 \x01\x01\x01\x01 \x01\x01 \x01\x01\x01\x01 \x01\x01\x01\x01\x01resultaction What was the outcome \x01 What actions did you take toand how did you achieve your goal? Be explicitimprove the situation? about your role and the skillsWhat would you do used. This is where you willdierently the next score the points so be clear andtime? succint about what you did!Having a number of these star examples going into the interview, eachone showing o a dierent competency will really show o your skills.Have one prepared for each competency you think is appropriate to thejob you applying for, e.g. teamwork, communication etc. 52'