b'How we can support you For students without astrong support systemthis service is veryuseful. Explainingintentions and plans inperson to someoneWorking in ireland during your competent helps exposestudies and after graduationholes which I couldStudents attending a recognised course of at least have otherwise missed.one year leading to a recognised qualification areallowed to work for up to 20 hours per week duringterm or 40 hours per week during holiday periodswhich are specific months defined by the IrishGovernmentsee INIS for the most up to dateguidelines. Further informationAfter you graduate, you are eligibile to work for oneyear full time in Ireland under the 1G visa if yougraduate from an undergraduate degree, and for 2years if you graduate from a Masters or PhD \x01 Trinity careers section for programme.international students www.tcd.ie/careers/students Marketing yourself to /international\x01 Department of Business, Enterprise employers and Innovation www.dbei.gov.ieThere are many ways in which an international \x01 Irish Naturalisation and Immigration student or graduate can be of benefit to an Service www.irishimmigration.ieorganisation. Identify qualities and value you can \x01 Irish Council for International oersuch as fluency in dierent languages, highly Students (ICOS) www.icosirl.iedeveloped technical skills, awareness of foreignpractices and markets, and cultural awareness. Youcan also oer a dierent perspective, which can leadto innovative and creative solutions to organisationalissues. It is worthwhile spending some time thinkingabout how you can stand out from the crowd byemphasising your international repertoire of skills.12'