b'Finding work & making applicationschecklistfor in person or virtualfairs\x02 Check MyCareer and the Trinity Careers Service website for up to date information on registering for Careers Fairs\x02 If it is a Virtual Fair, make sure you have aquiet, tidy and well it space to use. Checkthat your camera and microphone are working properly.\x02 Introduce yourself and let the recruiters know you have researched the company. networking\x02 Ask questions e.g. requirements, closingNetworking is the most eective method fordates, career progression opportunities. increasing your chances of finding work and is one\x02 Tell them about your experience, skillsof the most important career developmentand career aims. activities in which you can engage. Some reportssuggest that at least 60% of all jobs are found by\x02 Thank recruiters for their time. networking. Check out our network of Trinityalumni who are happy to oer advice atwww.trinity.aluminate.net/ Be creative What is networking?Even if you know what you want to do and checkwebsites and newspapers regularly for vacancies, Networking is not about asking for a job! It is aboutyou may not find many suitable jobs. Many identifying and connecting with people who may bepositions are not advertised as graduate jobs, yet able to help you by sharing their insight, advice andthey may need the skills of a graduate to do themexperience. You might be able to return the favour byand you can often progress quickly in a company helping them in some way, or you could pay theby taking the initiative and demonstratingyour favour forward by supporting a graduate in theirskills. early career once you have begun your own career. Smaller organisations may not oer structured By developing a strong professional network you will:graduate training programmes, yet learning on the \x02 Find out about opportunities that may not be job can often be the best way to progress and advertisedyou will experience a wide variety of \x02 Acquire insiderinformation on organisations responsibilities. and companies that will be invaluable during the application process.\x02 Make you and your aspirations known to as many people as possible so as to achieve your goals.36'