b'explore your career optionsCareer\x01 Check out the ResourcesPLanninG\x01 section ofMake Choices 101!www.tcd.ie/careersMake an appointment\x01 How do I tend to make important with a Careers Consultantdecisions? to help you work through\x01 Which career options are a priority your options for me? Why?\x01 Use Profiling for Success\x01 Do I have a contingency plan?free career planning tool for Trinity students on\x01 Who or what got me interested in MyCareer this area? \x01 Attend Trinity Career Fairs \x01 What are the practical to engage with employers considerations that apply to me? and course providers. e.g. budget, time, energy, location etc.\x01 The Careers Service Take actionWorkshops & Webinars \x01 Is my CV and LinkedIn profile well \x01 Practice interviews ontailored to my sector of interest?video\x01 When is the next drop-in CV Clinic?\x01 Drop-in CV/LinkedIn\x01 Do I need to book a practice clinics interview?\x01 Practice selection testing\x01 Which careers workshops will help online me most?\x01 Finally. keep in contact with the Careers Team and help other studentsTake full advantage of plan their careers in theresources outlined: future.\x01Career Workshops\x01 Individual meetings with your Careers Consultant\x01 Range of resources available Further information including free access to Profiling for Successtool atwww.tcd.ie/careers.22'