b'explore your career optionseMerGenCe oF TeCHnoLoGiesdeVeLoPTHe arT oF THe MeGaCiTYYour sKiLLs enerGY in THe 21sT CenTurYYour time in Trinity is an opportunity togain a variety of skills to complement youracademic study. Taking part in co- andextra-curricular activities can play animportant role in your career development.Employers value a diversity of experienceand skills, and expect graduates to bring arich portfolio of competencies to theirorganisation. This can help you stand out in Trinity electives the hiring process. As a Trinity student you may have theoption to broaden your Trinity EducationActivities which help you explore your and expand your skillset by choosing ainterests and develop career-ready skills Trinity Elective, a stand-alone 5 ECTScould include taking part in Trinity clubs module outside of your core discipline.and societies, getting involved with the You could choose to engage in TrinitysStudents Union, participating in mentoring ground-breaking research, exploreprogrammes where you can get advice from languages and cultures, or address keyTrinity alumni, developing your own societal challenges. The full list of Trinitybusiness idea or undertaking internships or electives is available atvoluntary activities.https://www.tcd.ie/trinity-electives/Whatever activities you choose, it is worth desiGn THinKinGtaking some time to reflect on skills you idea TransLaTion LaBhave developed. This will allow you toassess your strengths and areas for FroM PLaneTs To THe CosMosdevelopment, as well as providing valuable JaPanese LanGuaGe and CuLTureevidence to use on applications forms or ininterviews. 27'