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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Trinity Walton Club

A STEM club that sparks curiosity, fuels exploration and ignites innovation!

Science, technology, engineering and maths impact every aspect of your life. From your smartphone to the national energy grid; STEM is everywhere. At Trinity Walton Club you will team up to explore, investigate and innovate. Dive into STEM with us and watch these subjects come to life!

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Whether you’re at Trinity College Dublin or learning through MS Teams you will:

  • Broaden and deepen your STEM knowledge
  • Enhance your core competencies like creative problem solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, research capacity and digital literacy
  • Make friends and build your STEM identity
  • Take control of your STEM education

STEM Camps

Irrespective of whether you’re on campus or on MS Teams you will:

  • Plug in to a community of like-mind STEM enthusiasts
  • Enhance your STEM knowledge and skills
  • Use your STEM to make a difference
  • Have lots of fun!

“With academic excellence comes responsibility. We are keen to assist secondary school students in developing their abilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). The pursuit of STEM and innovation is hugely exciting and satisfying, and although there is a lot to be learned before one can independently embark on the road of discovery, we are here to help you get ready for this exciting journey of a lifetime. Let’s get started.”

Prof. Igor Shvets, Head of the School of Physics TCD and Co-founder of Trinity Walton Club

Saturday STEM Club 2024 ​
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Group photo of Trinity Walton Club 2015

Trinity Walton Club was named after Ireland's first Nobel laureate for Science, Ernest Walton (6 October 1903 - 25 June 1995), who was awarded the 1951 Nobel Prize in Physics, with John Cockcroft for ‘splitting the atom'.