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Professor Rhodri Cusack
Thomas Mitchell Professor of Cognitive N, Psychology
Director of TCIN, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)


I use neuroimaging to study the emergence of cognition in infants, to understand how our minds develop, and to provide new solutions to a number of pressing clinical needs.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bayne T, Frohlich J, Cusack R, Moser J, Naci L, Infants and Markers: Reply to Taylor and Bremner., Trends in Cognitive Science; doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2024.02.010., 2024 Journal Article, 2024

Kravchenko A, Cusack R., The limitations of automatically generated curricula for continual learning., PloS one, 19, (4), 2024, pe0290706 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Cusack R, Ranzato M, Charvet CJ., Helpless infants are learning a foundation model., Trends in cognitive sciences, 28, (8), 2024, p726-738 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Hagihara H, Zaadnoordijk L, Cusack R, Kimura N, Tsuji S., Exploration of factors affecting webcam-based automated gaze coding., Behavior research methods, 56, (7), 2024, p7374-7390 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Bayne T, Frohlich J, Cusack R, Moser J, Naci L., Consciousness in the Cradle: On the Emergence of Infant Experience., Trends Cogn Sci. 2023 Dec;27(12):1135-1149. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2023.08.018, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

Tian, M., Xiao, X., Hu, H., Cusack, R., Bedny, M., Visual experience shapes functional connectivity between occipital and non-visual networks, bioRxiv, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

McCormick, E.M., Kievit, R.A., Tyler, L.K., Brayne, C., Bullmore, E.T., Calder, A.C., Cusack, R., Dalgleish, T., Duncan, J., Henson, R.N., Matthews, F.E., Marslen-Wilson, W.D., Rowe, J.B., Shafto, M.A., Associates, R., Campbell, K., Cheung, T., Davis, S., Geerligs, L., Kievit, R., McCarrey, A., Mustafa, A., Price, D., Samu, D., Taylor, J.R., Treder, M., Tsvetanov, K.A., van Belle, J., Williams, N., Assistants, R., Bates, L., Emery, T., Erzinçlioglu, S., Gadie, A., Gerbase, S., Georgieva, S., Hanley, C., Parkin, B., Troy, D., Auer, T., Correia, M., Gao, L., Green, E., Henriques, R., Allen, J., Amery, G., Amunts, L., Barcroft, A., Castle, A., Dias, C., Dowrick, J., Fair, M., Fisher, H., Goulding, A., Grewal, A., Hale, G., Hilton, A., Johnson, F., Johnston, P., Kavanagh-Williamson, T., Kwasniewska, M., McMinn, A., Norman, K., Penrose, J., Roby, F., Rowland, D., Sargeant, J., Squire, M., Stevens, B., Stoddart, A., Stone, C., Thompson, T., Yazlik, O., Barnes, D., Dixon, M., Hillman, J., Mitchell, J., Villis, L., Knights, E., Poorer White Matter Microstructure Predicts Slower and More Variable Reaction Time Performance: Evidence for a Neural Noise Hypothesis in a Large Lifespan Cohort, Journal of Neuroscience, 43, (19), 2023, p3557-3566 Journal Article, 2023

King DLO, Henson RN, Kievit R, Wolpe N, Brayne C, Tyler LK, Rowe JB, Cam-CAN, Tsvetanov KA., Distinct components of cardiovascular health are linked with age-related differences in cognitive abilities., Scientific reports, 13, (1), 2023, p978 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Zimmermann, M., Cusack, R., Bedny, M., Szwed, M., Auditory areas are recruited for naturalistic visual meaning in early deaf people, Research Square, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

Deng F, Taylor N, Owen AM, Cusack R, Naci L, Responsiveness variability during anaesthesia relates to inherent differences in brain structure and function of the fronto-parietal networks, Human Brain Mapping, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Spann MN, Wisnowski JL, HBCD Phase I Scanning Young Populations Working Group, Smyser CD, Fetal, Infant, and Toddler Neuroimaging Group (FIT'NG), Howell B, Dean DC., The Art, Science, and Secrets of Scanning Young Children., Biological psychiatry, 93, (10), 2023, p858-860 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

King G, Truzzi A, Cusack R., The confound of head position in within-session connectome fingerprinting in infants., NeuroImage, 265, 2023, p119808 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Truzzi A, Cusack R., The development of intrinsic timescales: A comparison between the neonate and adult brain., NeuroImage, 275, 2023, p120155 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Cabral L, Zubiaurre-Elorza L, Wild CJ, Linke A, Cusack R., Anatomical correlates of category-selective visual regions have distinctive signatures of connectivity in neonates., Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 58, 2022, p101179 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Caldinelli C, Cusack R., The fronto-parietal network is not a flexible hub during naturalistic cognition., Human brain mapping, 43, (2), 2022, p750-759 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Musz E, Loiotile R, Chen J, Cusack R, Bedny M., Naturalistic stimuli reveal a sensitive period in cross modal responses of visual cortex: Evidence from adult-onset blindness., Neuropsychologia, 172, 2022, p108277 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Zaadnoordijk L, Cusack R., Online testing in developmental science: A guide to design and implementation., Advances in child development and behavior, 62, 2022, p93-125 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Hu, H., Cusack, C., Naci, L., Typical and disrupted brain circuitry for conscious awareness in full-term and preterm infants, Brain Communications, 4, (2), 2022 Journal Article, 2022

Tsuji S, Amso D, Cusack R, Kirkham N, Oakes LM., Editorial: Empirical Research at a Distance: New Methods for Developmental Science., Frontiers in psychology, 13, 2022, p938995 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Zaadnoordijk, L., Besold, T.R., Cusack, R., Lessons from infant learning for unsupervised machine learning, Nature Machine Intelligence, 4, (6), 2022, p510-520 Journal Article, 2022

Cusack, R., Carlyon, R.P., AUDITORY PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE LABORATORY, Ecological Psychoacoustics, 2021, p15-48 Journal Article, 2021

Kravchenko, A., Cusack, R., Is Active Learning Always Beneficial? (Student Abstract), 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2021, 18, 2021, p15819-15820 Journal Article, 2021

Zaadnoordijk L, Buckler H, Cusack R, Tsuji S, Bergmann C., A Global Perspective on Testing Infants Online: Introducing ManyBabies-AtHome., Frontiers in psychology, 12, 2021, p703234 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Strömmer JM, Davis SW, Henson RN, Tyler LK, Cam-CAN, Campbell KL, Physical Activity Predicts Population-Level Age-Related Differences in Frontal White Matter., The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Liang JC, Erez J, Zhang F, Cusack R, Barense MD, Experience Transforms Conjunctive Object Representations: Neural Evidence for Unitization After Visual Expertise., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Zaadnoordijk, L., Besold, T.R., Cusack, R., The next big thing(s) in unsupervised machine learning: Five lessons from infant learning, arXiv, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Wolpe N, Ingram JN, Tsvetanov KA, Henson RN, Wolpert DM, Cam-CAN, Rowe JB, Age-related reduction in motor adaptation: brain structural correlates and the role of explicit memory., Neurobiology of aging, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Frank, M.C., Alcock, K.J., Arias-Trejo, N., Aschersleben, G., Baldwin, D., Barbu, S., Bergelson, E., Bergmann, C., Black, A.K., Blything, R., Böhland, M.P., Bolitho, P., Borovsky, A., Brady, S.M., Braun, B., Brown, A., Byers-Heinlein, K., Campbell, L.E., Cashon, C., Choi, M., Christodoulou, J., Cirelli, L.K., Conte, S., Cordes, S., Cox, C., Cristia, A., Cusack, R., Davies, C., de Klerk, M., Delle Luche, C., de Ruiter, L., Dinakar, D., Dixon, K.C., Durier, V., Durrant, S., Fennell, C., Ferguson, B., Ferry, A., Fikkert, P., Flanagan, T., Floccia, C., Foley, M., Fritzsche, T., Frost, R.L.A., Gampe, A., Gervain, J., Gonzalez-Gomez, N., Gupta, A., Hahn, L.E., Hamlin, J.K., Hannon, E.E., Havron, N., Hay, J., Hernik, M., Höhle, B., Houston, D.M., Howard, L.H., Ishikawa, M., Itakura, S., Jackson, I., Jakobsen, K.V., Jarto, M., Johnson, S.P., Junge, C., Karadag, D., Kartushina, N., Kellier, D.J., Keren-Portnoy, T., Klassen, K., Kline, M., Ko, E.-S., Kominsky, J.F., Kosie, J.E., Kragness, H.E., Krieger, A.A.R., Krieger, F., Lany, J., Lazo, R.J., Lee, M., Leservoisier, C., Levelt, C., Lew-Williams, C., Lippold, M., Liszkowski, U., Liu, L., Luke, S.G., Lundwall, R.A., Cassia, V.M., Mani, N., Marino, C., Martin, A., Mastroberardino, M., Mateu, V., Mayor, J., Menn, K., Michel, C., Moriguchi, Y., Morris, B., Nave, K.M., Nazzi, T., Noble, C., Novack, M.A., Olesen, N.M., Orena, A.J., Ota, M., Panneton, R., Esfahani, S.P., Paulus, M., Pletti, C., Polka, L., Potter, C., Rabagliati, H., Ramachandran, S., Rennels, J.L., Reynolds, G.D., Roth, K.C., Rothwell, C., Rubez, D., Ryjova, Y., Saffran, J., Sato, A., Savelkouls, S., Schachner, A., Schafer, G., Schreiner, M.S., Seidl, A., Shukla, M., Simpson, E.A., Singh, L., Skarabela, B., Soley, G., Sundara, M., Theakston, A., Thompson, A., Trainor, L.J., Trehub, S.E., Trøan, A.S., Tsui, A.S.-M., Twomey, K., Von Holzen, K., Wang, Y., Waxman, S., Werker, J.F., Wermelinger, S., Woolard, A., Yurovsky, D., Zahner, K., Zettersten, M., Soderstrom, M., Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3, (1), 2020, p24-52 Journal Article, 2020

Cabral L, Stojanoski B, Cusack R, Rapid and coarse face detection: With a lack of evidence for a nasal-temporal asymmetry., Attention, perception & psychophysics, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Liu KY, Kievit RA, Tsvetanov KA, Betts MJ, Düzel E, Rowe JB, Cam-CAN, Howard R, Hämmerer D, Noradrenergic-dependent functions are associated with age-related locus coeruleus signal intensity differences., Nature communications, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Fuhrmann D., Nesbitt D., Shafto M., Rowe J.B., Price D., Gadie A., Tyler L.K., Brayne C., Bullmore E.T., Calder A.C., Cusack R., Dalgleish T., Duncan J., Henson R.N., Matthews F.E., Marslen-Wilson W.D., Rowe J.B., Shafto M.A., Campbell K., Cheung T., Davis S., Geerligs L., Kievit R., McCarrey A., Mustafa A., Price D., Samu D., Taylor J.R., Treder M., Tsvetanov K., van Belle J., Williams N., Bates L., Emery T., Erzinlioglu S., Gadie A., Gerbase S., Georgieva S., Hanley C., Parkin B., Troy D., Auer T., Correia M., Gao L., Green E., Henriques R., Allen J., Amery G., Amunts L., Barcroft A., Castle A., Dias C., Dowrick J., Fair M., Fisher H., Goulding A., Grewal A., Hale G., Hilton A., Johnson F., Johnston P., Kavanagh-Williamson T., Kwasniewska M., McMinn A., Norman K., Penrose J., Roby F., Rowland D., Sargeant J., Squire M., Stevens B., Stoddart A., Stone C., Thompson T., Yazlik O., Barnes D., Dixon M., Hillman J., Mitchell J., Villis L., Kievit R.A., Strong and specific associations between cardiovascular risk factors and white matter micro- and macrostructure in healthy aging, Neurobiology of Aging, 74, 2019, p46 - 55, p46-55 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Bruffaerts R, Tyler LK, Shafto M, Tsvetanov KA, Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience, Clarke A, Perceptual and conceptual processing of visual objects across the adult lifespan., Scientific reports, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Brea Chouinard, Kimberly Scott, Rhodri Cusack, Using automatic face analysis to score infant behaviour from video collected online, Infant Behavior and Development, 54, 2019, p1--12 Journal Article, 2019

Stojanoski B, Emrich SM, Cusack R, Representation of semantic information in ventral areas during encoding is associated with improved visual short-term memory, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Laura Cabral, Leire Zubiaurre, Conor Wild, Annika Linke, Rhodri Cusack, Category-Selective Visual Regions Have Distinctive Signatures of Connectivity in Early Infancy, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Chouinard B., Scott K., Cusack R., Using automatic face analysis to score infant behaviour from video collected online, Infant Behavior and Development, 54, 2019, p1 - 12, p1-12 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Rita E. Loiotile, Rhodri Cusack, Marina Bedny, Naturalistic Audio-Movies and Narrative Synchronize "Visual" Cortices across Congenitally Blind But Not Sighted Individuals, The Journal of Neuroscience, 2019, p0298--19 Journal Article, 2019

Shafto MA, Henson RN, Matthews FE, Taylor JR, Emery T, Erzinclioglu S, Hanley C, Rowe JB, Cusack R, Calder AJ, Marslen-Wilson WD, Duncan J, Tyler LK, Cognitive Diversity in a Healthy Aging Cohort: Cross-Domain Cognition in the Cam-CAN Project., Journal of aging and health, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Schweizer, S and Kievit, RA and Emery, T and {Cam-CAN, Symptoms of depression in a large healthy population cohort are related to subjective memory complaints and memory performance in negative contexts, Psychological medicine, 48, (1), 2018, p104â€"114 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Annika C. Linke, Conor Wild, Leire Zubiaurre-Elorza, Charlotte Herzmann, Hester Duffy, Victor K. Han, David S.C. Lee, Rhodri Cusack, Disruption to functional networks in neonates with perinatal brain injury predicts motor skills at 8"months, NeuroImage: Clinical, 18, 2018, p399--406 Journal Article, 2018

Annika Linke, Elizabeth Roach-Fox, Ellen Vriezen, Asuri Narayan Prasad, Rhodri Cusack, Altered Activation and Functional Asymmetry of Exner's Area but not the Visual Word Form Area in a Child with Sudden-onset, Persistent Mirror Writing, Neuropsychologia, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Rhodri Cusack, Conor J. Wild, Leire Zubiaurre-Elorza, Annika C. Linke, Why does language not emerge until the second year?, Hearing Research, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Haugg A, Cusack R, Gonzalez-Lara LE, Sorger B, Owen AM, Naci L, Do Patients Thought to Lack Consciousness Retain the Capacity for Internal as Well as External Awareness?, Frontiers in neurology, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Mitchell D.J., Cusack R., Visual short-term memory through the lifespan: Preserved benefits of context and metacognition, Psychology and Aging, 33, (5), 2018, p841 - 854, p841-854 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Anna Blumenthal, Bobby Stojanoski, Chris B. Martin, Rhodri Cusack, Stefan Köhler, Animacy and real-world size shape object representations in the human medial temporal lobes, Human Brain Mapping, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Naci, Lorina and Haugg, Amelie and MacDonald, Alex and Anello, Mimma and Houldin, Evan and Naqshbandi, Shakib and Gonzalez-Lara, Laura E and Arango, Miguel and Harle, Christopher and Cusack, Rhodri and Owen, Adrian M, Functional diversity of brain networks supports consciousness and verbal intelligence, Scientific Reports , 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Wolpe N., Zhang J., Nombela C., Ingram J.N., Wolpert D.M., Tyler L.K., Brayne C., Bullmore E.T., Calder A.C., Cusack R., Dalgleish T., Duncan J., Matthews F.E., Marslen-Wilson W.D., Shafto M.A., Cheung T., Geerligs L., McCarrey A., Mustafa A., Price D., Samu D., Treder M., Tsvetanov K.A., van Belle J., Williams N., Bates L., Gadie A., Gerbase S., Georgieva S., Hanley C., Parkin B., Troy D., Auer T., Correia M., Gao L., Green E., Henriques R., Allen J., Amery G., Amunts L., Barcroft A., Castle A., Dias C., Dowrick J., Fair M., Fisher H., Goulding A., Grewal A., Hale G., Hilton A., Johnson F., Johnston P., Kavanagh-Williamson T., Kwasniewska M., McMinn A., Norman K., Penrose J., Roby F., Rowland D., Sargeant J., Squire M., Stevens B., Stoddart A., Stone C., Thompson T., Yazlik O., Barnes D., Dixon M., Hillman J., Mitchell J., Villis L., Rowe J.B., Erratum to: Sensory attenuation in Parkinson"s disease is related to disease severity and dopamine dose (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (15643), 10.1038/s41598-018-33678-3), Scientific Reports, 8, (1), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Linke A.C., Wild C., Zubiaurre-Elorza L., Herzmann C., Duffy H., Han V.K., Lee D.S.C., Cusack R., Disruption to functional networks in neonates with perinatal brain injury predicts motor skills at 8"months, NeuroImage: Clinical, 18, 2018, p399 - 406, p399-406 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Linke A., Roach-Fox E., Vriezen E., Prasad A.N., Cusack R., Altered activation and functional asymmetry of exner's area but not the visual word form area in a child with sudden-onset, persistent mirror writing, Neuropsychologia, 117, 2018, p322 - 331, p322-331 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Zubiaurre-Elorza, Leire and Linke, Annika C and Herzmann, Charlotte and Wild, Conor J and Duffy, Hester and Lee, David S C and Han, Victor K and Cusack, Rhodri, Auditory structural connectivity in preterm and healthy term infants during the first postnatal year, Developmental psychobiology, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Wolpe N., Zhang J., Nombela C., Ingram J.N., Wolpert D.M., Rowe J.B., Tyler L.K., Brayne C., Bullmore E.T., Calder A.C., Cusack R., Dalgleish T., Duncan J., Matthews F.E., Marslen-Wilson W.D., Shafto M.A., Cheung T., Geerligs L., McCarrey A., Mustafa A., Price D., Samu D., Treder M., Tsvetanov K.A., van Belle J., Williams N., Bates L., Gadie A., Gerbase S., Georgieva S., Hanley C., Parkin B., Troy D., Auer T., Correia M., Gao L., Green E., Henriques R., Allen J., Amery G., Amunts L., Barcroft A., Castle A., Dias C., Dowrick J., Fair M., Fisher H., Goulding A., Grewal A., Hale G., Hilton A., Johnson F., Johnston P., Kavanagh-Williamson T., Kwasniewska M., McMinn A., Norman K., Penrose J., Roby F., Rowland D., Sargeant J., Squire M., Stevens B., Stoddart A., Stone C., Thompson T., Yazlik O., Dan Barnes, Dixon M., Hillman J., Mitchell J., Villis L., Sensory attenuation in Parkinson"s disease is related to disease severity and dopamine dose, Scientific Reports, 8, (1), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Green E., Bennett H., Brayne C., Tyler L.K., Bullmore E.T., Calder A.C., Cusack R., Dalgleish T., Duncan J., Henson R.N., Marslen-Wilson W.D., Rowe J.B., Shafto M.A., Campbell K., Cheung T., Davis S., Geerligs L., Kievit R., McCarrey A., Mustafa A., Price D., Samu D., Taylor J.R., Treder M., Tsvetanov K., Van Belle J., Williams N., Bates L., Emery T., Erzinclioglu S., Gadie A., Gerbase S., Georgieva S., Hanley C., Parkin B., Troy D., Auer T., Correia M., Gao L., Henriques R., Allen J., Amery G., Amunts L., Barcroft A., Castle A., Dias C., Dowrick J., Fair M., Fisher H., Goulding A., Grewal A., Hale G., Hilton A., Johnson F., Johnston P., Kavanagh-Williamson T., Kwasniewska M., McMinn A., Norman K., Penrose J., Roby F., Rowland D., Sargeant J., Squire M., Stevens B., Stoddart A., Stone C., Thompson T., Yazlik O., Barnes D., Dixon M., Hillman J., Mitchell J., Villis L., Matthews F.E., Exploring patterns of response across the lifespan: The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) study, BMC Public Health, 18, (1), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Wolpe N, Zhang J, Nombela C, Ingram JN, Wolpert DM, Cam-CAN, Rowe JB, Publisher Correction: Sensory attenuation in Parkinson's disease is related to disease severity and dopamine dose., Scientific reports, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Haugg A., Cusack R., Gonzales-Lara L., Sorger B., Owen A.M., Naci L., Do patients thought to lack consciousness retain the capacity for internal as well external awareness?, Frontiers in Neurology, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 URL DOI

Cusack R., Wild C.J., Zubiaurre-Elorza L., Linke A.C., Why does language not emerge until the second year?, Hearing Research, 366, 2018, p75 - 81, p75-81 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Blumenthal A., Stojanoski B., Martin C.B., Cusack R., Kohler S., Animacy and real-world size shape object representations in the human medial temporal lobes, Human Brain Mapping, 39, (9), 2018, p3779 - 3792, p3779-3792 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Clay, David E and Linke, Annika C and Cameron, Daniel J and Stojanoski, Bobby and Rulisa, Stephen and Wasunna, Aggrey and de Ribaupierre, Sandrine and Cusack, Rhodri, Evaluating Affordable Cranial Ultrasonography in East African Neonatal Intensive Care Units, Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 43, (1), 2017, p119â€"128 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Geerligs, Linda and Tsvetanov, Kamen A and Cam-Can and Henson, Richard N, Challenges in measuring individual differences in functional connectivity using fMRI: The case of healthy aging, Human brain mapping, 38, (8), 2017, p4125â€"4156 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Shafto, Meredith A and James, Lori E and Abrams, Lise and Tyler, Lorraine K and {Cam-CAN, Age-Related Increases in Verbal Knowledge Are Not Associated With Word Finding Problems in the Cam-CAN Cohort: What You Know Won't Hurt You, The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 72, (1), 2017, p100â€"106 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Veldsman, Michele and Mitchell, Daniel J and Cusack, Rhodri, The neural basis of precise visual short-term memory for complex recognisable objects, NeuroImage, 159, 2017, p131â€"145 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Rhodri Cusack, Annika Linke, Leire Zubiaurre-Elorza, Hester Duffy, Charlotte Herzmann, Bobby Stojanoski, Victor Han, David SC Lee, Conor Wild, Differences in the spatial and temporal patterns of head motion during MRI of adults and infants, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Samu, Dávid and Campbell, Karen L and Tsvetanov, Kamen A and Shafto, Meredith A and {Cam-CAN consortium, Preserved cognitive functions with age are determined by domain-dependent shifts in network responsivity, Nature communications, 8, 2017, p14743 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Kievit, Rogier A and Davis, Simon W and Griffiths, John and Correia, Marta M and Cam-Can and Henson, Richard N, Erratum to "A watershed model of individual differences in fluid intelligence" [Neuropsychologia 91 (2016) 186-198], Neuropsychologia, 106, 2017, p417 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Lehmann, BCL and White, SR and Henson, RN and Cam-Can and Geerligs, L, Assessing dynamic functional connectivity in heterogeneous samples, NeuroImage, 157, 2017, p635â€"647 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Cusack, Rhodri and McCuaig, Olivia and Linke, Annika C, Methodological challenges in the comparison of infant fMRI across age groups, Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2017 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Gadie, Andrew and Shafto, Meredith and Leng, Yue and Kievit, Rogier A and {Cam-CAN, How are age-related differences in sleep quality associated with health outcomes? An epidemiological investigation in a UK cohort of 2406 adults, BMJ open, 7, (7), 2017, pe014920 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Lo, Marcus and Zubiaurre-Elorza, Leire and Wild, Conor and Linke, Annika C and Lee, David S C and Han, Victor K and Cusack, Rhodri, Brainstem shape is affected by clinical course in the neonatal intensive care unit, NeuroImage. Clinical, 15, 2017, p62â€"70 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Tran, Michelle and Cabral, Laura and Patel, Ronak and Cusack, Rhodri, Online recruitment and testing of infants with Mechanical Turk, Journal of experimental child psychology, 156, 2017, p168â€"178 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Herzmann, Charlotte and Zubiaurre-Elorza, Leire and Wild, Conor J and Linke, Annika C and Han, Victor K and Lee, David S C and Cusack, Rhodri, Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Preserved Function in a Preterm Infant with Brain Injury, The Journal of pediatrics, 189, 2017, p213â€"217.e1 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Wild, Conor J and Linke, Annika C and Zubiaurre-Elorza, Leire and Herzmann, Charlotte and Duffy, Hester and Han, Victor K and Lee, David S C and Cusack, Rhodri, Adult-like processing of naturalistic sounds in auditory cortex by 3- and 9-month old infants, NeuroImage, 157, 2017, p623â€"634 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Taylor, Jason R and Williams, Nitin and Cusack, Rhodri and Auer, Tibor and Shafto, Meredith A and Dixon, Marie and Tyler, Lorraine K and Cam-Can and Henson, Richard N, The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) data repository: Structural and functional MRI, MEG, and cognitive data from a cross-sectional adult lifespan sample, NeuroImage, 144, (Pt B), 2017, p262â€"269 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Price, D and Tyler, LK and Neto Henriques, R and Campbell, KL and Williams, N and Treder, MS and Taylor, JR and {Cam-CAN, Age-related delay in visual and auditory evoked responses is mediated by white- and grey-matter differences, Nature communications, 8, 2017, p15671 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Fabbri, Sara and Stubbs, Kevin M and Cusack, Rhodri and Culham, Jody C, Disentangling Representations of Object and Grasp Properties in the Human Brain, The Journal of Neuroscience, 36, (29), 2016, p7648â€"7662 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Phillips, Holly N and Blenkmann, Alejandro and Hughes, Laura E and Kochen, Silvia and Bekinschtein, Tristan A and Cam-Can and Rowe, James B, Convergent evidence for hierarchical prediction networks from human electrocorticography and magnetoencephalography, Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 82, 2016, p192â€"205 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Geerligs, Linda and Cam-Can and Henson, Richard N, Functional connectivity and structural covariance between regions of interest can be measured more accurately using multivariate distance correlation, NeuroImage, 135, 2016, p16â€"31 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Wolpe, Noham and Ingram, James N and Tsvetanov, Kamen A and Geerligs, Linda and Kievit, Rogier A and Henson, Richard N and Wolpert, Daniel M and {Cam-CAN, Ageing increases reliance on sensorimotor prediction through structural and functional differences in frontostriatal circuits, Nature communications, 7, 2016, p13034 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Erez, Jonathan and Cusack, Rhodri and Kendall, William and Barense, Morgan D, Conjunctive Coding of Complex Object Features, Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 26, (5), 2016, p2271â€"2282 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Henson, Richard N and Campbell, Karen L and Davis, Simon W and Taylor, Jason R and Emery, Tina and Erzinclioglu, Sharon and {Cam-CAN, Multiple determinants of lifespan memory differences, Scientific Reports, 6, 2016, p32527 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Kievit, Rogier A and Davis, Simon W and Griffiths, John and Correia, Marta M and Cam-Can and Henson, Richard N, A watershed model of individual differences in fluid intelligence, Neuropsychologia, 91, 2016, p186â€"198 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Cusack, Rhodri and Ball, Gareth and Smyser, Christopher D and Dehaene-Lambertz, Ghislaine, A neural window on the emergence of cognition, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1369, (1), 2016, p7â€"23 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Mitchell, Daniel J and Cusack, Rhodri, Semantic and emotional content of imagined representations in human occipitotemporal cortex, Scientific reports, 6, 2016, p20232 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Ronan, Lisa and Alexander-Bloch, Aaron F and Wagstyl, Konrad and Farooqi, Sadaf and Brayne, Carol and Tyler, Lorraine K and {Cam-CAN, Obesity associated with increased brain age from midlife, Neurobiology of aging, 47, 2016, p63â€"70 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Campbell, Karen L and Shafto, Meredith A and Wright, Paul and Tsvetanov, Kamen A and Geerligs, Linda and Cusack, Rhodri and {Cam-CAN, Idiosyncratic responding during movie-watching predicted by age differences in attentional control, Neurobiology of aging, 36, (11), 2015, p3045â€"3055 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Geerligs, Linda and Rubinov, Mikail and Cam-Can and Henson, Richard N, State and Trait Components of Functional Connectivity: Individual Differences Vary with Mental State, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 35, (41), 2015, p13949â€"13961 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Farrugia, Nicolas and Jakubowski, Kelly and Cusack, Rhodri and Stewart, Lauren, Tunes stuck in your brain: The frequency and affective evaluation of involuntary musical imagery correlate with cortical structure, Consciousness and cognition, 35, 2015, p66â€"77 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Ray, Laura B and Sockeel, Stéphane and Soon, Melissa and Bore, Arnaud and Myhr, Ayako and Stojanoski, Bobby and Cusack, Rhodri and Owen, Adrian M and Doyon, Julien and Fogel, Stuart M, Expert and crowd-sourced validation of an individualized sleep spindle detection method employing complex demodulation and individualized normalization, Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 2015, p507 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Linke, Annika C and Cusack, Rhodri, Flexible information coding in human auditory cortex during perception, imagery, and STM of complex sounds, Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 27, (7), 2015, p1322â€"1333 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Cusack, Rhodri and Wild, Conor and Linke, Annika C and Arichi, Tomoki and Lee, David S C and Han, Victor K, Optimizing stimulation and analysis protocols for neonatal fMRI, PloS one, 10, (8), 2015, pe0120202 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Green, Emma and Shafto, Meredith A and Matthews, Fiona E and {Cam-Can, Adult Lifespan Cognitive Variability in the Cross-Sectional Cam-CAN Cohort, International journal of environmental research and public health, 12, (12), 2015, p15516â€"15530 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Tsvetanov, Kamen A and Henson, Richard N A and Tyler, Lorraine K and Davis, Simon W and Shafto, Meredith A and Taylor, Jason R and Williams, Nitin and Cam-Can and Rowe, James B, The effect of ageing on fMRI: Correction for the confounding effects of vascular reactivity evaluated by joint fMRI and MEG in 335 adults, Human brain mapping, 36, (6), 2015, p2248â€"2269 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Vicente-Grabovetsky, Alejandro and Carlin, Johan D and Cusack, Rhodri, Strength of retinotopic representation of visual memories is modulated by strategy, Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 24, (2), 2014, p281â€"292 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Stojanoski, Bobby and Cusack, Rhodri, Time to wave good-bye to phase scrambling: creating controlled scrambled images using diffeomorphic transformations, Journal of vision, 14, (12), 2014 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Cusack, Rhodri and Vicente-Grabovetsky, Alejandro and Mitchell, Daniel J and Wild, Conor J and Auer, Tibor and Linke, Annika C and Peelle, Jonathan E, Automatic analysis (aa): efficient neuroimaging workflows and parallel processing using Matlab and XML, Frontiers in neuroinformatics, 8, 2014, p90 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Shafto, Meredith A and Tyler, Lorraine K and Dixon, Marie and Taylor, Jason R and Rowe, James B and Cusack, Rhodri and Calder, Andrew J and Marslen-Wilson, William D and Duncan, John and Dalgleish, Tim and Henson, Richard N and Brayne, Carol and Matthews, Fiona E and {Cam-CAN, The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) study protocol: a cross-sectional, lifespan, multidisciplinary examination of healthy cognitive ageing, BMC neurology, 14, 2014, p204 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Naci, Lorina and Cusack, Rhodri and Anello, Mimma and Owen, Adrian M, A common neural code for similar conscious experiences in different individuals, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, (39), 2014, p14277â€"14282 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Barense, Morgan D and Erez, Jonathan and Ma, Henry and Cusack, Rhodri, Resources required for processing ambiguous complex features in vision and audition are modality specific, Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 14, (1), 2014, p336â€"353 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Kievit, Rogier A and Davis, Simon W and Mitchell, Daniel J and Taylor, Jason R and Duncan, John and {Cam-CAN Research Team, Distinct aspects of frontal lobe structure mediate age-related differences in fluid intelligence and multitasking, Nature communications, 5, 2014, p5658 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Naci, Lorina and Cusack, Rhodri and Jia, Vivian Z and Owen, Adrian M, The brain's silent messenger: using selective attention to decode human thought for brain-based communication, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 33, (22), 2013, p9385â€"9393 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Zheng, Zane Z and Vicente-Grabovetsky, Alejandro and MacDonald, Ewen N and Munhall, Kevin G and Cusack, Rhodri and Johnsrude, Ingrid S, Multivoxel patterns reveal functionally differentiated networks underlying auditory feedback processing of speech, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 33, (10), 2013, p4339â€"4348 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Hampshire, Adam and Parkin, Beth L and Cusack, Rhodri and Espejo, Davinia Fernández and Allanson, Judith and Kamau, Evelyn and Pickard, John D and Owen, Adrian M, Assessing residual reasoning ability in overtly non-communicative patients using fMRI, NeuroImage. Clinical, 2, 2012, p174â€"183 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Cusack, Rhodri and Veldsman, Michele and Naci, Lorina and Mitchell, Daniel J and Linke, Annika C, Seeing different objects in different ways: measuring ventral visual tuning to sensory and semantic features with dynamically adaptive imaging, Human brain mapping, 33, (2), 2012, p387â€"397 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Peelle, Jonathan E and Cusack, Rhodri and Henson, Richard N A, Adjusting for global effects in voxel-based morphometry: gray matter decline in normal aging, NeuroImage, 60, (2), 2012, p1503â€"1516 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Naci, Lorina and Taylor, Kirsten I and Cusack, Rhodri and Tyler, Lorraine K, Are the senses enough for sense? Early high-level feedback shapes our comprehension of multisensory objects, Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 6, 2012, p82 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Hampshire, Adam and Parkin, Beth L and Cusack, Rhodri and Espejo, Davinia Fernández and Allanson, Judith and Kamau, Evelyn and Pickard, John D and Owen, Adrian M, Assessing residual reasoning ability in overtly non-communicative patients using fMRI, NeuroImage. Clinical, 2, 2012, p174â€"183 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Linke, A.C. and Vicente-Grabovetsky, A. and Mitchell, D.J. and Cusack, R., Encoding strategy accounts for individual differences in change detection measures of VSTM, Neuropsychologia, 49, (6), 2011, p1476-1486 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Thompson, Russell and Correia, Marta and Cusack, Rhodri, Vascular contributions to pattern analysis: comparing gradient and spin echo fMRI at 3T, NeuroImage, 56, (2), 2011, p643â€"650 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Mitchell, Daniel J and Cusack, Rhodri, The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory, Frontiers in human neuroscience, 5, 2011, p18 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Thompson, Sarah K and Carlyon, Robert P and Cusack, Rhodri, An objective measurement of the build-up of auditory streaming and of its modulation by attention, Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance, 37, (4), 2011, p1253â€"1262 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Linke, Annika C and Vicente-Grabovetsky, Alejandro and Cusack, Rhodri, Stimulus-specific suppression preserves information in auditory short-term memory, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, (31), 2011, p12961â€"12966 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Cusack, Rhodri and Mitchell, Daniel J and Duncan, John, Discrete object representation, attention switching, and task difficulty in the parietal lobe, Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 22, (1), 2010, p32â€"47 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Overath, Tobias and Kumar, Sukhbinder and Stewart, Lauren and von Kriegstein, Katharina and Cusack, Rhodri and Rees, Adrian and Griffiths, Timothy D, Cortical mechanisms for the segregation and representation of acoustic textures, The Journal of Neuroscience, 30, (6), 2010, p2070â€"2076 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Kriegeskorte, Nikolaus and Cusack, Rhodri and Bandettini, Peter, How does an fMRI voxel sample the neuronal activity pattern: compact-kernel or complex spatiotemporal filter?, NeuroImage, 49, (3), 2010, p1965â€"1976 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Dunn, Barnaby D and Galton, Hannah C and Morgan, Ruth and Evans, Davy and Oliver, Clare and Meyer, Marcel and Cusack, Rhodri and Lawrence, Andrew D and Dalgleish, Tim, Listening to your heart. How interoception shapes emotion experience and intuitive decision making, Psychological science, 21, (12), 2010, p1835â€"1844 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Woolgar, Alexandra and Parr, Alice and Cusack, Rhodri and Thompson, Russell and Nimmo-Smith, Ian and Torralva, Teresa and Roca, Maria and Antoun, Nagui and Manes, Facundo and Duncan, John, Fluid intelligence loss linked to restricted regions of damage within frontal and parietal cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, (33), 2010, p14899â€"14902 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Stokes, Mark and Thompson, Russell and Cusack, Rhodri and Duncan, John, Top-down activation of shape-specific population codes in visual cortex during mental imagery, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 29, (5), 2009, p1565â€"1572 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Cusack, Rhodri and Lehmann, Manja and Veldsman, Michele and Mitchell, Daniel J, Encoding strategy and not visual working memory capacity correlates with intelligence, Psychonomic bulletin & review, 16, (4), 2009, p641â€"647 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Dodds, Christopher M and van Belle, Janna and Peers, Polly V and Dove, Anja and Cusack, Rhodri and Duncan, John and Manly, Tom, The effects of time-on-task and concurrent cognitive load on normal visuospatial bias, Neuropsychology, 22, (4), 2008, p545â€"552 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Yiend, Jenny and Mathews, Andrew and Weston, Becky and Dunn, Barnaby D and Cusack, Rhodri and Mackintosh, Bundy, An investigation of the implicit control of the processing of negative pictures, Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 8, (6), 2008, p828â€"837 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Mitchell, Daniel J and Cusack, Rhodri, Flexible, capacity-limited activity of posterior parietal cortex in perceptual as well as visual short-term memory tasks, Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 18, (8), 2008, p1788â€"1798 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Datta A, Cusack R, Hawkins K, Heutink J, Rorden C, Robertson IH, Manly T, The P300 as a marker of waning attention and error propensity, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 7, (3), 2007, pArticle ID 93968 Journal Article, 2007 DOI TARA - Full Text

Cusack, R. and Cumming, N. and Bor, D. and Norris, D. and Lyzenga, J., Automated post-hoc noise cancellation tool for audio recordings acquired in an MRI scanner, Human Brain Mapping, 24, (4), 2005, p299-304 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

Cusack, R. and Russell, B. and Cox, S.M.L. and De Panfilis, C. and Schwarzbauer, C. and Ansorge, R., An evaluation of the use of passive shimming to improve frontal sensitivity in fMRI, NeuroImage, 24, (1), 2005, p82-91 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

Cusack, R. and Deeks, J. and Aikman, G. and Carlyon, R.P., Effects of location, frequency region, and time course of selective attention on auditory scene analysis, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30, (4), 2004, p643-656 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

Cusack, R. and Roberts, B., Effects of differences in the pattern of amplitude envelopes across harmonics on auditory stream segregation, Hearing Research, 193, (1-2), 2004, p95-104 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

Cusack, R. and Carlyon, R.P., Perceptual Asymmetries in Audition, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29, (3), 2003, p713-725 Journal Article, 2003 DOI

Cusack R, Carlyon RP, Robertson IH , Auditory midline and spatial discrimination in patients with unilateral neglect , Cortex, 37, (5), 2001, p706-709 Journal Article, 2001 DOI

Cusack, R. and Roberts, B., Effects of differences in timbre on sequential grouping, Perception and Psychophysics, 62, (5), 2000, p1112-1120 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

Cusack, R. and Roberts, B., Effects of similarity in bandwidth on the auditory sequential streaming of two-tone complexes, Perception, 28, (10), 1999, p1281-1289 Journal Article, 1999

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Hu, H., Cusack, C., Naci, L., Typical and disrupted brain circuitry for conscious awareness in full-term and preterm infants., Neuroscience Ireland Meeting 2021, Virtual, 2021 Poster, 2021

Lorina Naci, Functional diversity of brain networks supports consciousness and intelligence., Oliver Zangwill Lecture., Cambridge UK, February, 2018, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge. Invited Talk, 2018

Research Expertise


Cognitive Neuroscience; Functional neuroimaging; INFANT; Neuroimaging; Neuroimaging methods; PRETERM INFANTS