Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery: Children's Nursing Symposium
Supporting child-centred care in a technological era
Date: 2nd May 2018
Time: 14:00-17:00
Attendance is Free - but please register on Eventbrite
This research symposium will present a suite of research undertaken across the School of Nursing and Midwifery's Children and Young People’s Research Group on issues pertaining to the care of children who are technology dependent, child and adolescent use of technology in managing illness, co-designing interventions with children and adolescents, and the use of technology when researching children and young people.
14.00-14.15 Welcome and introduction
14.15-14.30 Co-design of a digital intervention to prepare and support young people with long-term illnesses for the transition to adult healthcare services: Prof Imelda Coyne
14.30-14.45 Developing Health technology to support young people's self-care behaviours: Dr Mary Hughes
14.45-15.00 Adolescents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or questioning their sexual orientation (LGBQ) what does the literature tell us about their Internet use: Ms Thelma Begley
15.00-15.15 Technology use among school - aged children who live in a disadvantaged area: Ms Eleanor Hollywood
15.15-15.30 Q&A
15.30-16.00 Refreshments and poster viewing
16.00-16.15 Needs and future visions for care for transitioning to home when a child is technology dependent: Dr Maria Brenner
16.15-16.30 Mothers’ experiences of “giving medicines” through alternative routes of administration to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities: Ms Carmel Doyle
16.30-16.45 ‘I Share therefore I am’, a narrative exploration of personal self-disclosure on Facebook: Dr Colman Noctor
16.45-17.00 Q&A and close of symposium