Professor Andrew Murphy

Professor Andrew Murphy

Professor of English Literature 1967, English

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Andrew Murphy, Ireland, Reading and Cultural Nationalism, 1790-1930, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 1 - 251ppBook, 2018, URL
  • Bruce R Smith, Katherine Rowe, Ton Hoenselaars, Akiko Kusonoki, Andrew Murphy, Aimara da Cunha Resende, The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2016Book, 2016, URL
  • Andrew Murphy, 'Ireland, Ethnicity and the Nation: A Shakespearean Drama', Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Anglo-Irish Transitions in, editor(s)James Purdon , British Literature in Transition, 1900-1920, Cambridge UK, Cambridge University Press, 2021, [Andrew Murphy]Book Chapter, 2021
  • Shakespeare's Editors from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Centuries in, editor(s)Lukas Erne , The Arden Research Companion to Shakespeare and Textual Studies, London, Bloomsbury/Arden, 2021, [Andrew Murphy]Book Chapter, 2021
  • Andrew Murphy, Shakespeare in Print: A History and Chronology of Shakespeare Publishing -- Second Edition, Second, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021Book, 2021, URL
  • 'Publishing the Folios' in, editor(s)Sam Lemley , The Four Shakespeare Folios, 1623-2023, Pennsylvania, 2023, [Andrew Murphy]Book Chapter, 2023
  • '"Now for our Irish wars": Shakespeare, Colonialism and Nationalism in Ireland' in, editor(s)Sonia Massai and Amy Lidster , Shakespeare at War, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, [Andrew Murphy]Book Chapter, 2023
  • 'The Rise of the Working-class Shakespeare Reader' in, editor(s)Pamela Bickley & Jenny Stevens , Shakespeare, Education and Pedagogy, London, 2023, [Andrew Murphy]Book Chapter, 2023
  • Andrew Murphy, The Nation in British Literature and Culture, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, 1 - 371ppBook, 2023
  • Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 16, 2, (2016), Andrew Murphy, John Foster, [eds.], One special issueJournal, URL
  • Andrew Murphy and Shane Mawe, 'Shakespeare the Irishman', Dublin, 2023, -Exhibition, URL