Ad Theologiam Promovendam: The tasks of theology in Europe today


From the 20th to the 23rd of August 2025, the Loyola Institute, Trinity College, Dublin will host the biennial congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology. The congress will address the relevance of theology for contemporary Europe, with its many challenges. 

Theology must allow itself to be addressed by questions of culture and the contemporary world, while at the same time seeking to bring its understanding and wisdom to contemporary discussion in politics, society, and church. Serious questions arise, including climate change, the enormous challenge of the movement of peoples, the dignity of human life in an era of technological advances, the reemergence of war in Europe, the persistence of sexual abuse and its mishandling by Church authorities, and the crisis of theological institutions. In parallel the congress will reflect on the formative influence of Christianity on European culture, considering whether, and how, it might be influential today. Throughout, the Congress seeks to better understand the vocation of the Church to articulate the mystery that is God to the contemporary world.

Keynote and parallel paper sessions will address these and other issues.

A special invitation is extended in the parallel paper session to emerging scholars.