Taught M.Phil. in Gender and Women's Studies
Coordinator: Dr Catherine Lawless
The taught M.Phil. in Gender and Women's Studies can be studied full-time over one year, or part-time over two years. The programme examines the position and representation of gender in society, past and present. The course is both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, drawing on research from across the Humanities and Social Sciences. Students will acquire a deep understanding of the cultural contexts in which theories of gender are produced, performed and negotiated. The programme hones analytical, written and verbal communication skills, providing a solid foundation for a range of careers.
Awards and Scholarships
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships are awarded to high calibre students from non-EEA countries to study in Ireland for a period of one year. They provide a €10,000 stipend towards living costs and Trinity provides a full fee-waiver to recipients for one year. Further information is available here https://www.tcd.ie/study/international/scholarships/postgraduate/goi/
All applicants will automatically be considered for the following internal awards:
- The Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship, with a value of 3000 euro, is usually offered to a student in any of the School's MPhil programmes.
- The School of Histories and Humanities also offers one bursary of 1000 euro, to be deducted from the course fees, for each of its MPhil programmes.
Awards will be made on academic merit. All completed applications with an unconditional offer by the deadline of June 30th will be considered for the internal awards.