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Nicole Cosgrove profile pictureName: Nicole Cosgrove
Trinity Qualification: Business and Sociology (2017)
Title: President, Foresight Business Group Trinity
About: The Foresight Business Group is driven by the idea of providing a forum for interaction between leading members of the Irish business community and the business students of Trinity. This year, Foresight has been working with the Trinity Business Alumni (TBA) and has launched mini-mentoring breakfasts. The next breakfast takes place on the 22 February 2017 with guest speaker Professor Ian Robertson.

What was the impetus for getting involved with Foresight Business Group?
I realised rather early in my university experience the importance of networking. I felt that I and many other students lacked the skills needed to effectively network. I remember attending a careers event when I was in second year and after a talk we were encouraged to network with employees of the company. In response, many students flocked in large numbers around the employees and I felt this was an intimidating group to join and engage in conversation. This experience made me realise that I had to improve my networking skills in order to stand out. Thus when the next Foresight breakfast came up I was sure to attend. I not only enjoyed the experience but also felt I learned a lot. Consequently, I decided to get involved in Foresight Business Group to give other students the opportunity to improve their skills for their future career.

Tell us about the work undertaken by Foresight Business Group?
Foresight aims to give students the skills that are needed to be successful in today’s work environment. We aim to provide a forum for interaction between students and the wider professional community. We do this by offering events throughout the year such as our business breakfasts that enable students to gain effective networking skills and valuable information about different career areas. Additionally, in association with TBA, Foresight are offering a mentoring program which aims to connect alumni with current Trinity students to provide career guidance and support in an informal setting. Foresight also produces an annual academic journal which awards students the opportunity to get published which is invaluable.

Tell us about your role as President of Foresight over the last ten months?
It’s been a most enjoyable challenge. I’ve learned more than I could ever have hoped to while also having great fun. There is nothing quite like the feeling of planning an event from A to Z and then seeing people enjoying themselves while also learning new skills and hearing positive feedback. However it’s definitely been a challenge to maintain my academic standard while managing the Society. I couldn’t have done it without the other committee members and if the opportunity to do it all again arose; I wouldn’t change a thing.

What are your ambitions for the year ahead?
Increase awareness of Foresight among the students of Trinity. We have thus far increased our presence on social media and increased attendance at many of our events. However I wish to not only continue this trend but to improve it further. Oh, and pass my final exams!

What do you enjoy the most about being involved with Foresight Business Group?
The people. This includes working with the other students on the committee, meeting guests at our events and working with other societies and organisations that we come in contact with such as TBA and the Trinity Business School. Everyone has been a pleasure to work with and we couldn’t do it without them.

Tell us about the societies interactive business breakfasts? 
Our networking breakfasts provide a great opportunity for students to meet with alumni in an informal setting and really get to know them and what they do. In terms of format, we usually begin with a guest speaker for example we had Peter Cosgrove of CPL discussing the importance of networking in November and we are delighted to have Professor Ian Robertson guest speak for our February event on the ‘Science of Success’. This is then followed by a breakfast over which the students and alumni usually discuss a range of topics including the talk itself, career advice and even tips about CV’s and interviews. This gives the students an opportunity to learn about different careers from real life experiences and understand the daily reality of many jobs, which might not be so easily available from other research sources.

Do you think your involvement in Foresight Business Group will influence your career choices?
Yes, through my involvement with Foresight I’ve gained many transferable skills that I may not have learned solely in a classroom environment such as leadership skills, event management and public speaking among many others. I hope to find a future career that will give me the opportunity to utilise and further develop these skills. I also really enjoy the team element of Foresight and will take that into account when applying for jobs.   

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
It would have to be David Attenborough as I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to his documentaries and have always enjoyed them. I think he's a fascinating character and  I believe he'd be a great dinner party guest as he would have amazing stories from all the countries he's been to and animals he's encountered. Also he just seems like a really lovely person! 

Have you ever tried something and failed, but were glad you did it?
Yes, many times! I definitely believe that you learn more from your failures than most of your successes. Henry Ford once said that “the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing”. I always try and remember this when I feel I’ve failed at something no matter if it’s big or small. I think on the whole I would fail most things again if given the choice, as I’ve learned my own personal strengths and weaknesses which is invaluable. I’ve learned why I’ve failed, how to do it differently and also probably most importantly, these failures make me more determined to try again. 

What ways can alumni get involved with the society?
We would welcome any involvement from alumni. Foresight has a business breakfast on the 22nd of February 2017 and we would love if alumni would sign up for this event to act as mentors for current students. If any alumni would like to get in touch, please email us here or through our Facebook page here.