Name: Eoin Carroll
Degree: BA (2004) Sociology and Social Policy
What are you doing with yourself these days?
I’m working as the Advocacy and Social Policy Research Officer in the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. The Centre works to promote social justice by fostering an understanding of public issues through social analysis, reflection and advocacy. Its two core policy areas are prison policy and housing and homelessness.
Why did you choose your current career?
Initially, I wanted to become a social worker, however, after working with a homeless charity I decided that real change happens at a policy level. So I went off and studied for an MSc in Social Policy in the London School of Economics. Definitely I was naïve about ‘how it all works’; change in national policy can be very slow, but it important that progress happens and that social issues do get addressed.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Like a lot of people I got the tag rugby buzz and have been playing it for over 5 years. My main hobby would be sailing and I’m a fan of the mid-week movie.
What are your strongest memories of Trinity?
Are you still in touch with other alumni?
Yep, others who were in my degree and also the gang that were involved with the College SVP society.
Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
Anything that I say here will come back and bite me. I’m trying to figure out where I’ll be in 12 months time!
Have you any advice for students or fellow alumni?
Students enjoy college and get involved with as many Societies and Clubs as you can manage/afford, it’s a great way of making friends for life.