Dr. Daniel Trimble

Dr. Daniel Trimble

Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng

3531896 4856

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • D. Trimble, H. Mitrogiannopoulos, G. E. O'Donnell, and S. McFadden, Friction Stir Welding of AA2024-T3 plate - the influence of different pin types, Mechanical Sciences, 6, 2015, p51 - 55Journal Article, 2015
  • Barry Aldwell, Shuo Yin, Kevin A. McDonnell, Daniel Trimble, Tanvir Hussain, Rocco Lupoi, A novel method for metal-diamond composite coating deposition with cold spray and formation mechanism, Scripta Materialia, 115, 2016, p10 - 13Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 61, (2012), 9 - 12p, CIRP, [eds.]Journal, 2012
  • Materials & Design, 76, (2015), 150 - 168p, Alexander M. Korsunsky, [eds.]Journal, 2015
  • Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 17, (2015), 141 - 150p, S. Kapoor, [eds.]Journal, 2015
  • Scripta Materialia, 115, (2016), 10 - 13p, Professor C. A. Schuh, [eds.]Journal, 2016
  • Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 26, (2016), 1232 - 1250p, Yi Kang, [eds.]Journal, 2016
  • Barry Aldwell, Daniel Trimble, Shuo Yin and Rocco Lupoi, Enabling diamond deposition with Cold Spray through the coated particle method, Materials Science Forum, 879, 2017, p1194 - 1199Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Trimble, D. and Shipley, H. and Lea, L. and Jardine, A. and O'Donnell, G.E., Constitutive analysis of biomedical grade Co-27Cr-5Mo alloy at high strain rates, Materials Science and Engineering A, 682, 2017, p466-474Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • TRIMBLE, D. and O'DONNELL, G.E., Flow stress prediction for hot deformation processing of 2024Al-T3 alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 26, (5), 2016, p1232-1250Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Trimble, D. and O'Donnell, G.E., Constitutive Modelling for elevated temperature flow behaviour of AA7075, Materials and Design, 76, 2015, p150-168Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Trimble, D. and O'Donnell, G.E. and Monaghan, J., Characterisation of tool shape and rotational speed for increased speed during friction stir welding of AA2024-T3, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 17, 2015, p141-150Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • H. Shipley, D. McDonnell, M. Culleton, R. Coull, R. Lupoi, G. O'Donnell, D. Trimble, Optimisation of Process Parameters to Address Fundamental Challenges during Selective Laser Melting of Ti-6Al-4V: A Review, Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2018, p1-10Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • O'Shaughnessy, S.M. and Sloane, A. and Kearns, A. and Byrne, G. and Trimble, D. and O'Donnell, G.E., Design, characterisation and performance evaluation of a Peltier-driven cryo-adhesive fixture for manufacturing operations, Materials and Design, 141, 2018, p99-109Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Dowling, L., Flanagan, L., Rice, H., Trimble, D., and Kennedy, J, The use of a benchmark periodic metamaterial to inform numerical modelling and additive manufacturing approaches, ISMA 2018, (paper no 518), 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • Kennedy, J., L., Flanagan, Dowling, L., Rice, H., Trimble, D., , The influence of additive manufacturing processes on the performance of a periodic acoustic metamaterial, International Journal of Polymer Science, Volume 2019, (Article ID 7029143), 2019Journal Article, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Dowling, L. and Mao, H. and Flanagan, L. and Kennedy, J. and Cuenca, J. and Rice, H. and Trimble, D. and Göransson, P., A combined design-manufacturing-testing investigation of micro- To macro-scale tailoring of open poroelastic materials based on perturbed Kelvin cell micro-geometries, 2018, pp1163-1177Conference Paper, 2018, URL
  • Dowling L., Kennedy J., O'Shaughnessy S., Trimble D., A review of critical repeatability and reproducibility issues in powder bed fusion, Materials and Design, 186, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • McSweeney E., Trimble D., O'Shaughnessy S., The Deleterious Effect of Thermal Cycling on Thermoelectric Generators , 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics , Wicklow, Ireland , 2019, 2019, pp1399-1404 -Conference Paper, 2019
  • H.J.Rice J.Kennedy P.Göransson L.Dowling D.Trimble, Design of a Kelvin cell acoustic metamaterial, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 472, (115167), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Williams, N. P., Power, J., Trimble, D., O'Shaughnessy, S. M., An experimental evaluation of thermoelectric generator performance under cyclic heating regimes, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • N.P. Williams, D. Trimble, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, Liquid immersion thermal management of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles: An experimental study, Journal of Energy Storage, 72, 2023, p108636Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Niall P. Williams, Daniel Trimble, Séamus M. O'Shaughnessy, Thermal Management of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles through Immersion Cooling, 2023 22nd IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm) 30 May-2 June 2023 2023, Florida, USA, June 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Trimble, D., Monaghan, J., O'Donnell, G.E., Force generation during friction stir welding of Al2024-T3, CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology, 61, (1), 2012, p9 - 12Journal Article, 2012, DOI

Research Expertise

  • Title
    Fundamental Investigation into the Machining of Cobalt Chrome
    Cobalt Chrome alloys are used extensively within the biomedical industry during the manufacturing of orthopaedic implants due to their desirable mechanical properties of fatigue resistance, tensile strength, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. However, these alloys are difficult to machine due to their strain hardening capabilities. The goal of this research is to develop a fundamental understanding of the cutting mechanics of Cobalt Chrome, specifically for biomedical applications through the development of a Finite Element Model and a statistical machining campaign.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
  • Title
    Process Material Interaction during Micromachining of Biomedical Polymer Materials
    This work focused on the characterisation of process material interaction during the micromachining of a biomedical grade polymer which is used to manufacture intraocular lens (IOLs) by the partnering company, Alcon. The machining characteristics of polymers depend primarily on their mechanical, thermal, and rheological properties. High material elasticity and thermal expansions may make efficient material removal and precision machining a challenge. Often, low thermal conductivities and softening temperatures further hamper these efforts. Many properties are also highly temperature and strain-rate sensitive which can cause unwanted changes in material behaviour in the cutting zone during machining.
    Funding Agency
    Amber Targeted Project
  • Title
    Design of a Low Powered Emergency Exit Sign
    This research was focused on the design and manufacture of a Low Powered Emergency Exit Sign that consumes 80% less power than standard signs. This was achieved through the design of a novel light guide and diffuser films using low powered LEDs. The product was brought from concept to prototype and met all luminance, lux and contrast measurements to ISO Standards.
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland
  • Title
    Design of a Water Harvesting System
    This research was focused on the design of a Water Harvesting System for domestic households. The system was designed to store and deliver rainwater for toilet flushing and garden irrigation. When the system store is low, it is supplemented by water from main.


  • Provost PhD Project Awards 2018-19 2018
  • Nomination Trinity Innovation Awards 2019
  • PhD Studentship Award 2017
  • E3 Kinsella Challenge Award 2021
  • Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Research Award 2013