Let us help you take the stress out of exam season by making IT easy! 

  • Plan ahead—and stick to it! 
    Having a study plan with set goals can help you feel more prepared and can give you a roadmap to follow.

  • Bookmark your key websites and resources
    Create bookmarks in your web browser to save links to important pages such as your university email account, the university virtual learning environment (VLE) where you access course content, the library catalogue, and other useful resource.

    Learn how to create and edit bookmarks in Google Chrome. 

  • Get comfortable with using Blackboard
    An Exams Practise Module is available in Blackboard to help you practice submitting your assessments.

    Video guides on using Blackboard Tests, Turnitin in Blackboard, and Blackboard Assignments are included.

    Get online assessment ready 

  • Manage your time (and distractions)
    Try a method like the Pomodoro Technique, where you study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break.

    Don't get distracted by your phone! Turn off notifications while studying and resist getting lost on the internet.

  • Take breaks
    The brain can only absorb so much information at a time. Make sure that you are allowing enough time, relaxation, and sleep between study sessions so your brain will be refreshed and ready to accept new information.

  • Use Trinity Live
    Use the Trinity Live app to find places on campus that are unfamiliar to you. 

    Get Trinity Live app 

Know where to get help

We're here to help with digital issues, whether you need help connecting to Wi-Fi, accessing emails, or creating a long and complicated Word document. No question is a silly question, because we’ve all been there.

Contact IT Services