Email protocol for staff and student emails


To provide clear guidelines as to how Trinity's email facilities will be used for blanket emails to staff and students.


  • Email circulation requests should be flagged to the Secretary’s Office as soon as possible, allowing time for review of the request and proposed text. Two days lead-in time is recommended for standard emails (surveys can take longer).
  • Content of the email must be appropriate and adhere to Trinity's IT and Network Code of Conduct and Accessibility Information Policy and Guidelines
  • Information must be relevant to all those receiving the emails and not solely relevant to one section of Trinity community.
  • Information must be timely.
  • Circulation must be sought or authorised by a named member of staff.
  • Replies to emails will be directed to a designated person associated with the event/activity.
  • One email per event/activity will be sent. Reminders will not be issued except for research surveys (see below).
  • Attachments are not normally facilitated. Relevant information should be contained within the body of the email text or via link(s) within the body of the email text.
  • Emails can specifically be sent to staff members only, students only (undergraduates and postgraduates) or to both staff members and students.


Please send the following with your circulation request to

  • What is the subject line?
  • Who is the email to be sent out on behalf of?
  • What is the email address to which replies are to be directed?
  • Who is the email to be sent to?
    • Student lists = undergraduates, postgraduates
      • Written permission from the Senior Lecturer to use the undergraduate student list must be attached to email request for circulation.
      • Written permission from the Dean of Graduate Studies to use the postgraduate student list must be attached to email request for circulation.
    • Staff lists = academic staff, admin staff, “additional” staff (i.e. staff who are not in the academic or admin lists)
  • Body of the email to be circulated to be laid out on a separate Word document and in Calibri, font size 12.
    • Bold should be used for emphasis: not underlining, italics or coloured font
    • Images such as logos should not be included
    • All hyperlinks should be tested beforehand and integrated within the message text (i.e. write “Please visit the Trinity homepage” rather than “Please visit”)
  • Email signature must appear in both English and Irish at the bottom of the body of the email.  Please advise if phone number and/or email address is to appear in the email signature.
  • Any attachment to be considered for circulation with email must be in PDF format.

Research Surveys

  • Survey must be approved by relevant Ethics Committee and proof of approval is required.
  • Request must come in from PI/Lead researcher/Supervisor of student thesis who has a email address.
  • Replies must be directed to a email address.
  • To ensure compliance with GDPR, exact copy of survey must be approved by the Data Protection Office and this exact copy must be submitted to the Secretary’s Office along with approval from the DPO.
  • One reminder can be issued per survey.

Some areas have the facility to send notices relevant to their activities including:

  • IT Services
  • Human Resources
  • Estates and Facilities
  • Library
  • Careers Advisory Service

The Senior Lecturer and Dean of Graduate Studies provide access to the Students' Union and Graduate Students' Union email lists.  All other permissions are normally provided by the Secretary to Trinity.

 Categories of emails which will be permitted

  Subject matter  Relevant contact  Email contact 
1.  Programmes/activities available for academic/administrative/service staff

Secretary's Office
2. Operational Announcements

Secretary's Office
3. Research-related surveys of all staff at the request of the Principal Investigator/Lead researcher/Supervisor of student thesis Secretary's Office
4. Research-related surveys of all students at the request of the Principal Investigator/Lead researcher/Supervisor of student thesis

Secretary's Office
  Permission to send the email must be sought in advance as follows:    
  Undergraduate students list Senior Lecturer
  Postgraduate students list Dean of Graduate Studies
5. Service-related surveys of all staff and students to comply with legislation and requirements of government departments and state agencies

Secretary's Office
6. Death of staff member in service, Fellow Emeritus and/or Trinity Officer, Undergraduate/Postgraduate Students

Secretary's Office

Categories of emails which will not be circulated using central Trinity staff and student lists:

1. Commercial requests
2. Any request from outside the university on any subject matter. (Unless it is specifically approved by the Secretary's Office)
3. University matters of a sensitive nature
4. Surveys except as outlined in Section 3 (4-6) above
5. Communications from staff and student representative groups
6. Staff retirement notices (local email lists may be used)
7. Events promotions (please use Events Calendar)

Other circulation options:

1. Events calendar - can be used for surveys and notices as well as events
2. Information screens