Psychology at TCD is ranked in Top 40 Universities in Europe and top 10 in Ireland and UK.
The School of Psychology is committed to the provision of high quality education and training at all levels and has a strong identity nationally and internationally for excellence in research. It aims to offer a knowledge base and a set of skills that not only equip students for the many careers that exist in psychology, but also prepare students intellectually for other careers.
We hope you will find the information contained on the web pages of the School of Psychology at Trinity College Dublin useful and informative. Please feel free to contact the School directly for more information about any of our teaching programmes or research activities.
Prof. Sven Vanneste
Head of School of Psychology
More About Us
The School offers a single honor undergraduate degree in psychology
The School has a large community of postgraduate students following a range of taught postgraduate programmes and research programmes
The Psychology School has an active research programme which spans all areas of psychology.