
Projects are carried out within three cross-cutting interdisciplinary strands: Justice, Transition, and Memory and Reconciliation.


The theme of justice is examined within this strand and addresses norms, processes, and conceptions of local and international justice in post-conflict contexts.

Torture, Truth and Denial

This project focuses on truth commission reports and human rights documentation of torture practices. It addresses public debates on the legitimacy of torture practices and considers the impact of torture on victims, torturers and wider society. 
Researcher: David Tombs

Globalizing Justice and the Prosecution of Atrocity

The evolution of an international criminal justice system is both a product and symptom of intensified processes of international integration. An examination of features of international trials considers the implications of these processes for the prosecution of extreme crimes and understandings of justice. 
Researcher: Rosemary Byrne

Rape in War Time

This project is in collaboration with a small team of international colleagues and in association with the International Committee of the Red Cross. It emerges from an international conference on Les Viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire (Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written) in Paris in May 2009. The proceedings will be published in Paris in 2010. Among the issues explored is the place of rape in post-conflict experience and justice.
Researcher: John Horne

Discourse in Transition:  Ethics and Human Rights

Communitarianism within human rights discourse has particular relevance in post-conflict contexts. This research analyses the consequent dimensions and tensions.
Researcher: Linda Hogan


Projects within this strand explore issues related to the transition from periods of atrocity, focusing on peace-building and governmentality.

Governing Transition

This consists of two interrelated projects. The first is concerned with the political rationality underpinning efforts by the liberal state to manage conflicts it constructs as ethnic. Community relations programmes and human rights provisions are usually central to peace processes, and this project focuses on the normative assumptions about culture and identity that underpin them. The second project is concerned with critics and criticism of the Good Friday Agreement and the Dayton Accords focussed on dissident subjects in Northern Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina respectively. These two projects will be brought together in a manuscript he is currently preparing for publication by Routledge in 2010, entitled 'Governing Ethnic Conflict: Consociation, Identity and the Price of Peace.'
Researcher: Andrew Finlay

Paramilitary Violence After the Great War, 1918-1923

The continuation of violence after the formal conclusion of wars is the focus of this project which is funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Researcher (and co-organizer): John Horne

Nonviolence in Political Theory

Non-violence in transition is addressed in this work through a broader study of the links between ethics and politics of nonviolent political action and Western political theory. It discusses issues such as civil disobedience, the legitimacy of the state, the nature of political power, and pacifism and international relations.
Researcher:  Iain Atack

Peace-Processes in Northern Ireland and Cyprus

The political process of peacebuilding is analysed in light of the comparative experiences of Northern Ireland, Ireland and Cyprus. 
Researcher: Etain Tannam

Memory and Reconciliation

The theme of memory and reconciliation frames the projects within this strand which look at how victims, perpetrators, and their descendants, remember atrocities and how local and global communities ‘read’ the past.

Co-memory: Israeli Jews Commemorating the Palestinian Nakba.

This is a study of Co-memoration in the context of the Palestinian 1948 catastrophe by Israeli Jews.
Researcher: Ronit Lentin

Visioning 21st Century Ecumenism: Diversity, Dialogue and Reconciliation

The role of churches and faith communities in reconciliation in post-conflict transition in Northern Ireland and Ireland is explored in this project which is funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Researchers: Linda Hogan, Gladys Ganiel and Geraldine Smyth (with Andrew Pierce)

Towards Integrated Approaches to Peacebuilding

This research analyses the interplay of theological, ethical, psychological and ecclesiological perspectives on contributions to intercultural division, enmity and violence. This includes an investigation of the dynamics of loss, mourning, and reconciliation in post-conflict transition and an assessment of the self-critical and expressive role of the churches in moving beyond sectarianism and embodying peace. It also considers the process of inspiring hope and social trust within pluralist contexts and the re-imagination of an ecumenical theology of peace in Northern Ireland and beyond.
Researcher: Geraldine Smyth

International History of Concentration Camps until 1941

The history of Italian prisoners of war during the First World War is examined in this project which is part of a broader initiative based in the Centre for War Studies on the ‘International History of Concentration Camps until 1941.’ It has formed an international research network and won a major funding grant from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Researcher: Alan Kramer