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Travel Bursary Report April 2023 - Marina Schenkel

Marina is a 2nd Year PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science, School of Social Sciences and Philosophy.

The TRiSS travel bursary contributed to my presentation of the paper  “Populism and health emergency responses: a cross-national analysis”  at the European Political Science Association's 13th Annual Conference in Glasgow in June 2023.

The fund allowed me to fly to Scotland to participate in person in this highly relevant event for Political Science. During the event I had the opportunity to discuss this paper, which is part of my doctoral dissertation, getting invaluable feedback from a discussant and the public. This has helped to further develop this chapter of my thesis.

At the event, I also chaired a panel related to the impacts of crises, which was a unique experience that enhanced reading and discussing more papers from my field as well as meeting researchers dedicated to similar topics. I was also invited to present another paper from my thesis at the Political Economy of Global Health panel at the same conference, which was a great opportunity to receive feedback on a paper also part of my thesis but in an early stage of research.

Overall, participating in the conference has given me the necessary feedback to get in a position where I can conclude these two papers knowing that my peers and experts in the discipline think about them.

Marina presenting her paper on medical populism in the Populism in a Comparative Perspective panel