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Travel Bursary Report April 2023 - Amelie Freiberg

Amelie Freiberg is a 3rd Year PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science, School of Social Sciences and Philosophy.

She attended the Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference of the Network of European Peace Scientist in Bologna in June 2023.

"At this conference I will introduce the data project, which provides information on the efforts of political education within rebel organizations worldwide, between 1945 and 2011, as included in the Foundations of Rebel Group Emergence (FORGE) Dataset.

"I presented my dissertation project titled " How Rebel Groups Socialize: Introducing the Socialisation & Political Education in Rebel Groups (SPERG) Data Project”. The project focuses on the impact of political education as a socialization practice on rebel groups' likelihood of engaging in violent behaviour and committing conflict-related sexual violence.

Amelia said that attending the conference has proven to be immensely beneficial for her work and research.

"The diverse range of presentations and interactive sessions exposed me to cutting-edge developments in my field, fostering new perspectives and insights. Networking opportunities at the conference allowed me to connect with colleagues, exchange ideas, and establish potential collaborations. In essence, the financial support not only made my attendance possible but also enabled me to gain knowledge and establish connections that will undoubtedly have a lasting and positive impact on my work. I am sincerely grateful for the assistance by TRISS."

Amelie Freiberg speaking at th e Jan Tinbergen Europena Peace Science Conference