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Undergraduate Course Proposals

Schools wishing to establish a new undergraduate course, or to significantly revise an existing programme, are advised to have an initial meeting with the Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies and the relevant Administrative Officer in Academic Affairs, Trinity Teaching and Learning, to discuss their plans.

Basic Process Steps: Undergraduate Course Proposal Development and Approval (PDF).

Detailed Process: Undergraduate Course Proposal Development and Approval (PDF).

Guidelines on the completion of course proposal documentation (PDF).

The completed template should be submitted to the Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies (, and copied to Academic Affairs (, Trinity Teaching and Learning, for a full review before it can be circulated to the Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC).

The proposing School must also complete the Financial Data Template, which is available from the Faculty Financial Advisor. The Faculty Dean, in particular, considers the financial analysis, resourcing requirements, staff workloads and any recruitment plans in deciding whether or not to support the proposal. The proposal documentation cannot be circulated to USC without the approval of the Faculty Dean.

Please note, the first full draft of the proposal should be received by Academic Affairs by the end of Michaelmas term, if it is to be considered by USC and Council in the same academic year. Proposals received after this deadline will not normally be considered for approval until the following academic year.


Template A:
  • Proposal Template – Single Honors Entry (MS Word)
  • Proposal Template – Joint Honors Entry (MS Word)
  • For other proposal template types, please contact Academic Affairs (

    Template B: Student Workload and Assessment Components (MS Word)

    Template C: Module Descriptor Template (MS Word) (Sample 1, Sample 2)

    Template D: Capstone Module Descriptor Template (MS Word)

    Template E: Module Outcome - Programme Outcomes Mapping Tool (MS Excel)


    New Undergraduate Modules

    The introduction of standalone modules for registration follows a similar approval process to that of new course proposals but one that terminates at the USC stage rather than going forward to Council. Proposing schools should contact the Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies (, copying the e-mail to Academic Affairs (, and demonstrate a significant strategic need for the standalone module. Information regarding proposals for Trinity Electives and Open Modules should be directed to

    Schools introducing new modules to existing undergraduate courses should follow the following procedure:

    1. The need for a new module and its descriptor should be discussed at the appropriate designated course committee(s) for the course(s) to which the module ‘belongs’.  This includes identifying the need for a service teaching module from another school.
    2. The module descriptor template (Template C) should be completed for all new proposed modules. There are a number of embedded links within the document to support the development of the new module.
    3. The new module should be developed in the context of the course(s) to which it belong(s).  It should contribute to the overall aims of the course and its learning outcomes should map to the overall programme learning outcomes. (See Template E here for the mapping tool) Due regard should be given to existing modules to ensure cohesion and to avoid duplication.
    4. The new module should adhere to the College Module Size Regulations and Progression and Award Regulations.
    5. If a new module is identified as being potentially appropriate for delivery in another course, the designated course committee for that course should consider the new module, via its descriptor, in terms of its suitability and level of curriculum integration.  The new module should contribute to the overall aims, and map to the programme learning outcomes, of each course to which it is shared.
    6. Where there are staffing, space and/or other resource implications, new modules should also be discussed and approved at the School Executive Committee of the owning school.

    Significant changes to existing modules

    As with new undergraduate modules, changes to an existing module can have a significant impact on the overall balance of the course(s) in which it is delivered, with the potential to disrupt curriculum coherence and prevent the attainment of programme learning outcomes and the attainment of the Trinity graduate attributes. Therefore:

    1. Significant changes to an existing module should not be implemented without reference to the overall programme learning outcomes of the course(s) to which it belongs or without taking cognisance of the other modules within the same course(s).  To do otherwise can lead to curriculum drift or duplication.
    2. Such changes to a module should be discussed at the designated course committee(s) of the course(s) to which the module belongs.
    3. Where a module is shared with other courses, planned module changes should be communicated to those responsible for those other courses.  Such changes should be discussed by the relevant designated course committee(s) to ensure the continued fit with the course(s) concerned. 
    4. Schools involved in courses, as partners or through the provision of service teaching modules or by otherwise sharing modules, should have due regard to any existing agreements they have in place with other schools or institutions in relation to delivering specific module content and enabling approved learning outcomes.