Current Projects

Two students looking at a paper

Project Title: Improving mental health, wellbeing, and resilience of healthcare workers in Changing Environments

Summary:  The overall objective of the APOLLO2028 project is to provide health and care workers, organisations, and healthcare system funders and policy makers with research-backed innovative solutions to help improve mental health, wellbeing, and resilience within rapidly changing environments (especially daily pressures and extreme events) at the workplace. The specific research objectives of APOLLO are to identify (i) individual, (ii) organisational, and (iii) meso-organisational (team, middle-manager) level factors that affect the physiological and mental health, wellbeing and resilience of health and healthcare workers and use this understanding to provide (iv) stronger, more (v) cost-efficient managerial tools that can be used to better train team managers and directors of hospitals on methods to enhance the resilience of healthcare professionals and, in turn, improve and increase (vi) collaboration between policymakers and stakeholders to jointly fight against factors of stress in the workplace.
Project Website:
Partners: Universite De Montpellier; Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi; Kauno Technologijos Universitetas; Karolinska Institutet; Abo Akademi; Vilniaus Universitetas; Evotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem; Mass General Brigham Hospital; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Montpellier; Innotrope SAS.
Co-Principal Investigators (TCD): Dr Frédérique Vallières & Dr Kristin Hadfield
Contact (TCD):  Dr Frédérique Vallières and Dr Kristin Hadfield
Funding Agency: European Commission - HORIZON-HLTH-2023-CARE-04-02
Programme: No. 101137144 - GAP-101137144
Funding Amount: €5,626,339

Project Title: An exploration of the experience of reproductive coercion among refugee women in Morocco

Summary:  An emerging concept and an aspect of GBV that is being increasingly recognised and connected with sexual and reproductive health outcomes is reproductive violence (RV). RV is outlined as any form of abuse, coercion, exploitation or violence that compromises reproductive autonomy and self-determination. Association Marocaine de Planification Familiale (AMPF), in partnership with International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the Trinity Centre for Global Health (TCGH) have created a research programme with the aim of developing a clearer picture of the extent and nature of RV experienced by Moroccan women and refugee women in Morocco. This increased knowledge base will be used to enhance screening measures to provide more effective assessment and services to those impacted. The conceptual clarity provided during the current project will not only lead to higher quality future research but will also facilitate the creation of interventions and guidelines which can be integrated into gender-based violence programming and reproductive health care services in Morocco to enhance capacity to provide support to AMPF clients.
Partners: The Moroccan Family Planning Association (AMPF) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
Co-Principal Investigators (TCD): Dr Meg Ryan, Dr Abdellatif Maamri (AMPF), Nihal Said (IPPF)
Contact (TCD):  Dr Meg Ryan,
Funding Agency: Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI)
Programme: SVRI Research Grant: Knowledge for Action to End Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children
Funding Amount: $109,500

Project Title: Understanding the relationship between reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence in an Irish context; a stakeholder informed qualitative analysis’

Summary:  Reproductive coercion (RC) is defined as deliberate attempts to influence or control the reproductive autonomy of another person. This is a form of intimate partner violence (IPV) thought to be linked to poorer sexual reproductive health (SRH) outcomes. However, the links between IPV and RC are poorly understood, impacting the development of effective interventions. The current project proposes to address this gap by developing a partnership with the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre to conduct research exploring the current state of knowledge regarding IPV and RC in an Irish context through a rapid review and exploratory qualitative study with relevant stakeholders.
Partners: The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
Principal Investigators (TCD): Dr Meg Ryan
Contact (TCD):  Dr Meg Ryan,
Funding Agency: Irish Research Council (IRC)
Programme: New Foundations Award
Funding Amount: €12,000

Project Title: Transaltional Simulation for Trauma Informed Care in Acute Medical Settings

Summary: TS4TIC: a Trauma Informed Care Research Collaboration, funded by the HSE/HRB/RCPI through their RCQPS fund. TS4TIC seeks to use translational simulation - where teams of hospital staff and patient representatives train together by recreating scenarios of care between a patient and a team of staff in as near-reality as possible – to promote psychological trauma-informed care as a way to improve service delivery within acute hospital settings.
Project Website: TS4TIC: Translational Simulation for Trauma Informed Care
Partners: St James’s Hospital, Spirasi, DePaul Ireland, Ballymun Youth Action, Quality Matters
Principal Investigators (TCD): Dr Frédérique Vallières & Dr Cliona Ni Cheallaigh
Funding Agency: Health Research Board
Programme: Research Collaborations for Quality and Patient Safety
Funding Amount: €279,626 plus €27,961 (Knowledge Translation Award) = €307,587

Project Title:  Engaging Adolescents in Sexual Health Services in Ethiopia (EASE)

Summary: Engaging Adolescents in Sexual Health Services in Ethiopia (EASE) is a research collaboration between Trinity College Dublin and Addis Ababa University, with the support and guidance of the Embassy of Ireland's, Overseas Development Assistance programme in Addis Ababa. EASE is aligned with Ireland and Ethiopia's high-level commitments to engage youth and adolescents in the development and delivery of sexual and reproductive health (SRH), as enshrined in the Nairobi Statement on ICPD25: Accelerating the Promise. EASE uses gender transformative, participatory action research methods to (i) determine what adolescents consider to be their meaningful engagement within SRH service delivery and programming in Ethiopia and (ii) describe a model of good practice for how to meaningfully involve adolescents in SRH programming. Achieved through a civil society partnership with Amref, a civil society organisation working in Afar to support and provide SRH services to young people, findings arising from EASE will inform policy and decision-making at bilateral, federal, regional, and district levels to ensure that adolescents are more meaningfully engaged within the design and delivery of SRH services. EASE will further identify potential entry-points for Irish Aid and the Embassy of Ireland to add value to bilateral policy priorities in this sphere and to complement existing Irish Aid-funded programming.
Co-Investigator (TCD): Dr Kristin Hadfield
Funding Agency: Irish Research Council
Programme: COALESCE/2021/97
Funding Amount: €337,289

Project Title: Supervision - The Missing Link

Summary: Supervision is considered integral to quality mental health and psychosocial (MHPSS) interventions and features as a key recommendation in all major international guidelines on MHPSS in emergency and non-emergency settings. Despite its noted importance however, the provision of supervision remains a gap within MHPSS and protection programmes in humanitarian contexts and is often referred to as one of the most challenging aspects and unmet needs in programme implementation. Employing a collaborative process of tool development, which uses available evidence and structured feedback from experts and practitioners, The Missing Link aims to improve the quality of MHPSS and protection interventions in emergencies through the development of guidelines and tools for supervision (viz., an integrated model for supervision, IMS) for use across MHPSS programming globally.
Project Website: Who is the IMS for?
Partners: The International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, hosted by the Danish Red Cross (PS Centre)
Principal Investigator (TCD): Dr Frédérique Vallières
Contact: Dr. Meg Ryan ( & Dr. Nadeen Abujaber (
Funding Agency: US Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (formerly USAID)
Programme: No. 720FDA19IO00106
Funding Amount: $1,692,208