Top ten priorities for future research on reducing and stopping psychiatric meds
Study hopes to inform the research agenda and help future research to focus on the questions that are most important to key stakeholders.
11 Nov 2024
New insights into the Denisovans – the new hominin group that interbred with modern day humans
Scientists believe individuals of the most recently discovered “hominin” group (the Denisovans) that interbred with modern day humans passed on some of their genes via multiple, distinct interbreeding events that helped shape early human history.
8 Nov 2024
TCIN artist-in-residence set for show at Molesworth Gallery
The show is the culmination of a year-long collaboration between the artist and the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, supported by Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland, formerly Science Foundation Ireland.
8 Nov 2024
Next four years of a Trump presidency won’t be as bad as the first four – they will be worse
In 2016, Trump relied on staff who did not share his aims. Now, he will return to the presidency with loyal staff members who have a clear agenda, writes Daniel Geary, School of Histories and Humanities, in an article first published in The Irish Times.
7 Nov 2024
EVEREST Project aims to revolutionise study of extracellular vesicles
The project will bring together 21 institutions from 11 countries with a budget of €1.3 million to advance the study of extracellular vesicles.
7 Nov 2024
Minister Colm Burke launches Professor Catherine Comiskey’s book “Addiction Research and Evaluation”
A new book from Catherine Comiskey, Professor in Healthcare Modelling and Statistics at the School of Nursing and Midwifery bridges the gap between research and practice in the complex field of addiction.
7 Nov 2024
Power grids supplied largely by renewable sources experience lower intensity blackouts
New research into the vulnerability of power grids served by weather-dependent renewable energy sources (WD-RESs) such as solar and wind paints a hopeful picture as Ireland attempts to meet its climate emissions targets.
7 Nov 2024
New Trinity Taskforce to hold first meeting on November 22
The Taskforce will have 26 members, including three nominated by the Trinity Students Union, two by the Central Societies’ Committee and four nominated by the Group of Unions.
6 Nov 2024
Scientists identify immune molecule that keeps metabolism in tune and on time
The discovery hints at why shift workers and others with irregular work, eating, or sleep patterns driven by the demands of modern life fall out of metabolic sync.
5 Nov 2024
The evolutionary benefits of being forgetful
Why do we forget things? Is it simply a sign of memory impairment, or are there benefits? Sven Vanneste and Elva Arulchelvan from the School of Psychology share insights on the evolutionary benefits of being forgetful in this piece first published in The Conversation.
5 Nov 2024