The Artist's Eye: Josh Tonsfeldt

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 26 Jun 2023
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

The Artist’s Eye: Josh Tonsfeldt 31 March – 25 June 2023 Opening Night: Thursday 30 March, 6pm – 8pm Acknowledging the crucial role artists play in influencing and shaping other artistic practices, ‘The Artist’s Eye’ series asks those exhibiting in Gallery 1 to invite an artist of influence to present work in Gallery 2. In this instalment, Uri Aran has invited longtime friend and collaborator Josh Tonsfeldt. Josh Tonsfeldt’s practice is rooted in everyday life and the accumulation of small gestures that build larger narratives. Attuned to particular media and the way they shape vision and perception, his interdisciplinary works have an intimate and happenstance quality. Tonsfeldt’s photographs and videos, often worked into larger sculptures and installations responding to the site of their display, capture intimate, unscripted moments which often play upon the tension between the subject in the image and the camera as a frame and a force of its own. Josh Tonsfeldt received an M.F.A. from Columbia University in 2007 and a BA from Purchase College in 2004. Since then, his work has been shown widely in the United States and Europe, most recently at international institutions including the Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), the DeCordova Museum (Boston), Mass MoCA (North Adams, Massachusetts), Gamec (Bergamo, Italy), and the Museum of Contemporary Art (Toronto).  His work is in the collection of institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Vancouver Gallery of Art, the Parrish Museum, and the Perez Museum in Miami.  He is represented by Broadway Gallery in New York.

Campus Location

Arts Building and Douglas Hyde Gallery


Ongoing event

Type of Event

Arts and Culture,Exhibits,Public


Clinical Teaching Staff,Public and Patient Involvement – PPI,Researchers,Retired Staff,Undergrad,Postgrad,Alumni,Faculty & Staff,Public

Contact Name

The Douglas Hyde Gallery of Contemporary Art

Contact Email


Gallery 2

