TCD’s LGBT+ Staff Network’s Stakeholder Engagement Event

Date: 02 December 2022
Time: 15:00 - 16:30

Dear college community, The committee members of TCDs LGBT+ Staff Network here, with a brief update on an upcoming stakeholder engagement event that we hope you will be in a position to attend.   As you may remember, in June the Provost hosted an inaugural Pride celebration in conjunction with the LGBT+ Staff Network. Speakers included Minister Roderic OGorman, Rory ONeill, Colm OGorman & Daire Dempsey. We would like to take this opportunity once again to thank the Provost and her team, for their support and for making the idyllic Provost Garden available for the event, in addition to thanking the speakers & college community who engaged with us prior, during and since the event took place.   To continue to evolve the identity of the of TCDs LGBT+ Staff Network, we wanted to signal that we are hosting a stakeholder engagement event on Friday, December 2nd 2022 @ 3.00pm, venue to be confirmed.    This 90min workshop (with tea/coffee & snacks available both before & after), will explore questions such as, how Trinity College & the LGBT+ Staff Network can;   1. Support and celebrate new and existing LGBT+ staff?    2. be a resource for the wider college community, including students?   3. interact with the wider LGBT+ community is it a good neighbour?   4. innovate within the ecosystem, to ensure we are a leading resource?    Please note, this is being planned as a face-to-face event, however please indicate in the link below, if your preference is to attend remotely.   To express an interest in attending, please click HERE. Please provide feedback by mid-day Tuesday, Nov 29th 2022.  If you have any questions, or would like to join the Network, please do not hesitate to contact the LGBT+ Staff Network - Also, please feel free to circulate this to any internal or external colleagues who might like to attend.  Yours sincerely,   Evan Blake,    Network co-chair, on behalf of the Network Committee


One-time event

Type of Event

Special events


Clinical Teaching Staff,Researchers,Undergrad,Postgrad,Faculty & Staff,Public

Contact Name

Evan Blake

Contact Email



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