Imposter Syndrome - Sources and Solutions

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 9 Feb 2023
Time: 10:00 - 13:00

Targeted at Assistant Professors on the Development Programme Are you as good as they think you are? This secret fear that we're not really good enough is surprisingly widespread. In the face of tangible evidence of their success, many people who are genuine high-achievers are often wracked by self-doubt and the fear of being found out. During this workshop “Imposters” will • come to understand how this is affecting their life • examine the role that gender, race and class can have on feelings of fraudulence • understand how men and women put different values on the art of "winging it" • see how their interpretation of success has been making things more difficult • learn practical strategies to set free their Imposter and be themselves!

Campus Location





One-time event

Type of Event

Human Resources Learning: Events & Courses


Faculty & Staff

Contact Name

Learning and Organisation Development Team, HR

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