GBHI | Genetic Cohorts in Dementia: Learnings from GENFI & DIAN

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 27 Sep 2022
Time: 14:15 - 15:15

The Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) is pleased to invite you to the following talk: Genetic Cohorts in Dementia: Learnings from GENFI & DIAN  

  • Speaker: Professor Martin Rossor, Professor of Clinical Neurology at UCL

  • Date:  Tuesday 27th September

  • Time:  2:15-3:15pm

Zoom Meeting Details

Speaker Biography

Prof Rossor is NIHR National Director for Dementia Research, Professor of Clinical Neurology at UCL, and Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. Professor Rossor's research interests include novel neuroimaging methods for diagnosis and monitoring of neurodegenerative disease and neuropsychological descriptions of degenerative dementias. He has also been involved in a number of clinical trials and collaborative studies on molecular genetics of neurodegenerative diseases. With Martin Knapp he developed the framework of the ‘cognitive footprint’, which captures the cognitive effects of experiences, events and interventions across the life course.


One-time event

Type of Event

Classes,Conferences,Courses,Lectures and Seminars,Public,Special events


Clinical Teaching Staff,Public and Patient Involvement PPI,Researchers,Undergrad,Postgrad,Alumni,Faculty & Staff,Public

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Helen Murray

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