b"0613.0013.30 The Visibility of Role Models in Trinity CollegeA student-led Q&A session with the Faculty DeansHostNazeefah Laher3rd Year Medical Student, Trinity College DublinNazeefah Laher is a 3rd year medicalstudent at Trinity College Dublin. She wasMy daughter Hannah, and born in Johannesburg South Africa andthe other two Faculty Deans. moved to Toronto, Canada with her familyas a young child. She holds Bachelor of Sciences degreefrom Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada and aMasters of Public Health from the University of Torontowhere she specialized in health promotion and globalhealth. Prior to starting medicine Nazeefah completed aProfessor Sylvia Draper fellowship at the Wellesley Institute in Toronto, CanadaDean of Science, Technology, where she worked in research and public health policy.Engineering and Mathematics Nazeefah has published in peer reviewed journals and has(STEM) an academic and research interest in health equity, thesocial determinants of health, racial inequities, andSylvia studied Chemistry in Exeter and advocacy. Nazeefah is an amateur photographer andCambridge University. She was the first member of her enjoys podcasts, reading, cycling, canoeing, cooking, andfamily to gain a third level education. In 2019 she wheel pottery.became the Professor of Molecular Materials in theSchool of Chemistry. Her independent research careerwas forged in Trinity; whilst visiting her future Irishhusband she walked in o-the-street and foundherself accepting a one-year postdoctoral research My role model is my mom, Fatima Laher. Shefellowship in Inorganic Chemistry. As a child, Sylvia has shown me what it means to be a strong,enjoyed annoying her older sister and making independent woman and the importance ofconcoctions out of 'ingredients' that she found in the being kind, generous, and compassionate.bathroom cabinet. She played piano, worked hard Shes shattered ceilings and broken barriers.and spent her weekends either deposited in a manger Most importantly shes used everywhile her sister mucked-out horses or helping her dad accomplishment shes had to open doors forrepair and replace car engines. She went to an all-girls other women of colour and taught me toschool and did not really notice her gender until she never shut the door behind me. Shes taughtbecame a mother of four (very dierent) children. me I can achieve anything I put my mind toSylvia believes that whatever your role in life you have and to never let anyone underestimate me.a responsibility to make a positive dierence in thelives of others. This has given her a permanent excuseto be annoying."