Graduate Studies Committee Terms of Reference
Membership: The Graduate Studies Committee was established in the academic year 1965/66. Initially the members were drawn from Schools and later they were drawn from Faculties. In 2005, Board and Council approved that the membership would be changed to include the Directors of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) so that the membership is now: the Dean of Graduate Studies as the chair of the committee, the Dean of Research, the Directors of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) in the Schools, the Academic Director of Tangent, the President of the Graduate Students’ Union, and the Vice President of the Graduate Students’ Union.
In attendance are:
- Sub-Librarian
- a representative of Information and Systems Services,
- two members nominated by the Dean of Graduate Studies may be co-opted to attend meetings.
The Chairperson of the Graduate Studies Committee shall be the Dean of Graduate Studies.
There shall be no substitution of members of the Graduate Studies Committee.
The main functions of the Graduate Studies Committee are:
- To initiate discussion and make recommendations on all maters of academic policy and practice relating to postgraduate study and research, and to report these discussions to the School Committees and the University Council.
- To ensure that members receive appropriate information on the activities of the GSC to enable them to fulfil their responsibility of informing Schools and professional units about decisions taken by the committee that may impact on the activities of Schools and professional units.
- To advise the Dean of Graduate Studies in his or her role of reporting to the University Council, including on maters such as: (a) admission, progression, and examination of postgraduate students; and (b) proposals for new postgraduate programmes, and changes to existing postgraduate programmes and regulations.
- To monitor, evaluate, and ensure the quality of postgraduate programmes and research degrees.
- To advise on the strategic development and promotion of postgraduate programmes.
- To consider and make appropriate changes to the University Calendar Part III.
- To receive information from the Dean of Graduate Studies on the nomination of Higher Doctorates Sub-committees as required.