Research Facilities

The Trinity Centre for Biomecial Engineering has 8 specialist laboratories which are equipped to a very high specification:

  1. Tissue engineering using Animal derived stem cells.
  2. Tissue engineering using Human derived stem cells.
  3. Tissue (Bone and Muscle) preparation lab.
  4. Tissue testing lab. (Bone, Muscle and cell)
  5. Microscopy Suite comprising Nano Indentor, Micro-CT and Epifluorescent Microscope.
  6. Biomaterials lab.
  7. Impact Biomechanics lab.
  8. Medical Device Design lab

A 3G diagram of the TCBE meeting room

TCBE meeting room

Location: TCBE, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute- (L3.36)



The Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering has received approximately €1.5 m worth of investments in testing equipment since 2000. Some of the more significant items of equipment are listed below;

  • Instron 10kn Multiaxial Servo Hydraulic Fatigue testing machine
  • M.T.S. Nanoindenter with auxiliary A.F.M.
  • Scanco UCT40 MicroCT Scanner
  • Silicon Graphics Dedicated High Performance Computing (HPC) resource
  • M.T.S. Tytron  Micro fatigue testing machine
  • Olympus IX 71 Epifluorescent Inverted Research Microscope
  • High strain rate testing machine.
  • Zwick Single column and Twin column Universal testing machines
  • Lenton Thermal Design High Temperature Sintering furnace
  • Selection of  Inverted and Upright Microscopes
  • Leica Stereoscopic microscope
  • 8 C02 controlled Water Jacketed Incubators



For enquiries regarding equipment in TCD please contact Robert Dunbar ( or Simon Carroll (

Below is a link to equipment available for booking. Please use an email address when making booking and indicate whether it is a final year project (FYP), MSc Biomedical Engineering (MSc) or research (RES) related project. This is necessary to aid us perform audits of usage.



TCBE Zwicks
Location: Parson's building, room 0.01D. Contact: Robert Dunbar (
NOTE: Please indicate if you are using Zwick 1 or Zwick 2 or both on the calendar

COMSOL Multiphysics
Location: Mech Eng, Parsons Building
NOTE: All users must register with Conor Buckley before use

Location: TCBE, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute- Biomaterials Lab (L3.30)

Location: TCBE, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute- Biomaterials Lab (L3.30)
NOTE: Users are restricted to pre-booking a maximum of 48hrs in a given week. If it the machine is available 24hrs before, you may re-book in that week.

Location: Mech Eng, Parsons Building- Microscopy Lab
NOTE: All users must contact Robert Dunbar before using this equipment

Bright-field Microscope, 5th floor
Location: TCBE, TBSI, L5.46

Location: Mech Eng, Parsons Building- Microscopy Lab

Location: Mech Eng, Parsons Building- Tissue Testing Lab
NOTE: This equipment is primarily reserved for teaching laboratories and undergraduate students

Location: Mech Eng, Parsons Building- Tissue Testing Lab
NOTE: All users must contact Robert Dunbar before using this equipment

Location: Microscopy lab in Parsons

Real Time PCR Machine
Location: TCBE, TBSI, L5.46

RNAse free PCR prep cabinet
Location: Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (5th floor)

In Vivo MicroCt
Location: TBSI, Comparative Medicine Unit, Research Area.

Western Blot
Location: TBSI, room 5.46

Ultimaker 3
Location: TCBE, TBSI room L3.34 (Cardiovascular Lab)

FormLabs Form 2
Location: TCBE, TBSI room L3.34 (Cardiovascular Lab)

MCR 102 Rheometer
Location: JnJ lab, TBSI, Room B2.44

Location: Histology Suite, TBSI room B.46