Athena Swan was established in 2005 to promote gender equality and diversity in the STEM fields. Since then, it has expanded to the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Want to learn more about Trinity, Gender Equality, Diversity and Athena Swan? Check out the following links:


Gender Identity and Gender Expression Policy Published

A new policy outlines College’s formal commitment to recognise and support an individual’s gender identity and gender expression. The aim of the ‘Gender Identity and Gender Expression’ policy is to promote a positive and inclusive environment, where all members of the College community regardless of gender identity are treated with dignity and respect. It sets out protocols for practical considerations such as accommodation, facilities, personnel and student records and provides informal guidance to staff and students on supporting gender diversity.



Positive Action Initiatives Lecture

The Athena Swan Committee in the School of Social Sciences has announced a lecture on Positive Action Initiatives: Precedents, Lessons and Remedies. This will take place on Thursday 28 November at 6.00 - 7.30pm in the Thomas Davis Theatre, Arts Building. A distinguished panel chaired by Professor Ivana Bacik, School of Law, will look at: What is Positive Action? Does Irish higher education need it? What are the arguments for and against targeted positive action? Registration recommended. Click link for further information.