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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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SECTION 1: The basic principles of PPI


Prof Mary McCarron Primary Investigator for Trinity PPI Ignite
Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) has been a core part of my research approach for many years. Without understanding the lived experience of those we research, we deny ourselves the opportunity for better research, greater impact and deeper insight. Working in real partnership with PPI contributors is not always easy, but for those who persevere, the rewards are great.

The aim of ‘What is Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)?’ is to provide researchers and research teams with some of the basic knowledge and tools they need to plan and develop PPI activities and begin to create relationships with PPI contributors. It is suitable to those who are new to PPI, to those who are planning a funding bid where PPI is an element.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Define what PPI is and is not
  • Appreciate why it has become important
  • Understand where PPI contributors can play a role in the research cycle
  • Consider the motivations of PPI contributors in becoming involved
  • Identify what supports are available for PPI activity

Section 1 will take approximately 30 mins

This module is supported by funding from the Health Research Board - Irish Research Council PPI Ignite fund.

NEXT: Preparation