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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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SUMMIT will undertake projects each at the intersection of two or more themes:

  • Shared governance – widening policy engagement practices to include marginalised stakeholders and support a just transition to sustainable mobility informing regulation and assessing the impacts of those interventions and the business models that emerge
  • Influencing personal and societal mobility practices – understanding how to influence behaviour change and shape demand towards options that serve the common good while satisfying the individuals’ needs and preferences
  • Cooperative travel planning – that balances service provisioning, demand and need, while informing future system requirements
  • System optimisation – enabling the just and optimal use of the available infrastructure while guaranteeing quality of service in the context of offered demand.

Projects and solutions offered across these themes are intrinsically interdependent.

Interdisciplinary approach

SUMMIT in founded on durable and reciprocal collaboration across disciplines to harness multidisciplinary expertise in addressing the challenge of sustainable mobility and enabling demonstrable advancements collectively and in individual disciplines.

SUMMIT is addressing mobility-related challenges whose solutions demand multidisciplinary approaches and will have significant societal impact.

SUMMIT will nurture reciprocity and multidisciplinary through a number of concrete mechanisms especially multidisciplinary joint Ph.D. supervision, in the context of multi-disciplinary supervision teams. Students will work jointly with their peers and with members of their supervision teams on projects at the intersection of two or more themes: Shared Governance/Personal Practice, Shared Governance/System Optimization, Personal Practice/Travel Planning, Travel Planning/System Optimization.