Working in partnership with the Traveller Community to facilitate engagement with the mental health services

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 17 Apr 2024
Time: 13:15 - 14:00

Working in partnership with the Traveller Community to facilitate engagement with the mental health services Presented by Kathleen Joyce: Special Primary Health and Social Care Initiative Coordinator, Blanchardstown Traveller Development Group Doreen Carpenter: Mental Health Service Coordinator for /with Travellers, HSE CHO 9 Brian Keogh: Associate Professor in Mental Health Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin This lecture will explore Traveller mental health and examine ways that people working in the mental health services can work in partnership with Travellers to foster engagement. The lecture will draw from the findings of a collaborative research project which sought to better understand the factors that influence Traveller engagement with the mental health services. Please note that this lecture will not be recorded

Campus Location

Online and School of Nursing and Midwifery (Gasworks)


One-time event

Type of Event

Lectures and Seminars


Clinical Teaching Staff,Public and Patient Involvement – PPI,Researchers,Retired Staff,Undergrad,Postgrad,Alumni,Faculty & Staff,Public

Contact Name

Jeni Ryan

Contact Email


Lecture Theatre 2.57 / Online via Zoom


Free of charge - advance booking required