Houseplant Workshop

Date: You need to load the T4EventsCalendar Class 7 Jun 2024
Time: 13:00 - 14:00

Houseplants are a joy to behold, they brighten our windowsills in our offices and at home and many are easy to propagate! These baby plants will grow quickly under the right conditions providing you with lots of plants to share with friends, family and to swap at our upcoming plant swap (25th July, 12.30-2pm – Business school). Join us at this fun workshop to learn how to propagate a selection of houseplants. Take them home or back to your office after the session and grow them on. Donations from our last plant swap have been used to buy materials for these workshops, a big thanks to everyone who donated. Please sign-up here to let us know how many to expect (for materials). ttps:// The session will be held at the trinity urban garden located between the O’Reilly Institute and Sports Centre, under the railway line.


One-time event

Type of Event

Sustainability,Workshops and Training


Researchers,Retired Staff,Undergrad,Postgrad,Alumni,Faculty & Staff

Contact Name

Rachel Joanne Goodband

Contact Email


Trinity Urban Garden

