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Child Health & Wellbeing - Research Theme

This research theme's focus is on Child Health and wellbeing of infants and children in their first 1000 days. This theme includes care of children in acute and community settings, and in the home.

Over the past number of decades there has been a significant increase in the life expectance of infants and children with chronic illness, complex care needs, and life limiting conditions. Within policy and contemporary healthcare, the move towards care closer to home is placing a greater emphasis on community-based care. Parents(s) and families are providing care to children with a range of acuity in their homes, supported by healthcare professionals. Parental and family caregiving has therefore become more difficult and complex.

The importance of bonding and attachment, and their links to maternal and infant mental health and wellbeing have been highlighted. Much of the focus for research in this theme is therefore focused on a holistic approach to care of children within their family unit, whatever structure that might be.

This research theme examines the key areas of concern to realise the ambition of providing care closer to home, and maximising the health and wellbeing of each child within the family and their community. Key areas of examination include the identifying the enablers and barriers to child health and wellbeing, exploring family caregiving capacity, the needs of siblings, and innovation in maximising future child and family health and wellbeing.


Child Health & Wellbeing - Team