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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Sexual Health On Campus

TCD Campus

From our survey carried out in 2002 of 2000 undergraduates, and emerging evidence from the Clan Survey, it is evident that 80% of college students are sexually active.

50% students always use condoms, 25% of students sometimes use condoms and an alarming number of students never use condoms.

Condoms, while not a reliable form of contraception (10% failure rate per year), are the most effective defence against such conditions as chlamydia, genital warts or HIV. For further information, you can cehck out the About Safer Sex page.

STD clinics are held twice weekly in the Health Centre by appointment where testing and treatment is available. Hepatitis B is the only sexual transmitted disease for which there is an effective vaccine. While still relatively uncommon in Ireland, carrier rates can be as high as 15% or 20% in many holiday destinations. For this and other information visit the Specialised Clinics page of the College Health website.