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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Asst. Prof. Sharee Basdeo

Assistant Professor in TB Immunology

  • Research Institute:
    • Human and Translational Immunology Research Group, Trinity Translational Medicine Institute (TTMI)

  • Contact e-mail:
  • Research Area(s):
    • Human alveolar macrophage, monocytes, Th17 cells, Tuberculosis, COVID-19, vaccines, heterologous immunity, trained immunity, metabolism, epigenetics.

Research Description:

We are a team of scientists and clinicians who seek to improve health by understanding how the human immune system works during an infection and in its aftermath. We are dedicated to hypothesis-driven, translational human research towards the design of host-directed therapies for infections that are difficult to treat, including multiple drug resistant tuberculosis. Our research interests also include next-generation vaccines and the non-specific contributions of vaccination to overall immune health and wellbeing. Our specific research questions are focused on defining how myeloid cell function is altered long term by a process known as trained innate immunity and how this impacts adaptive T cell behaviours in the context of infection and autoimmunity. Our core values include creativity, honesty, respect, enthusiasm, and dedication. We are dedicated to making Trinity an equitable community and promoting equitable access to research-led education.

Our work is funded by the Health Research Board, Science Foundation Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, in addition to funding from TCD through the Provost’s and the Dean’s Awards for research.