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Trinity College Dublin

Business and German
Frequently Asked Questions
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• Why learn a second language if everyone speaks English?

First of all, not everyone speaks English or wants to conduct business through English! If you learn a second language, you gain a major competitive advantage, particularly if you are selling abroad or dealing with foreign clients. Speaking the other person's language shows respect, it gives you an insight into his/her culture an way of thinking. That kind of advantage is crucial - it enables you to create better relationships and clinch better business deals.

• Is German a hard language to learn?

As an English speaker you have an advantage when learning German. German and English belong to the same family of languages (Germanic Languages). Just think of some of the similarities between basic vocabulary in German an d English - Arm, Hand, Finger! In German business vocabulary you also find a lot of English words, such as Fusion, Export, Manager, Bank.

When you start to look at grammar, just remember that the grammar of any language has hard bits and easy bits. German is no exception! Easier features of German include verbs, harder features include nouns as they have genders. But all of it is very systematic and structured.

German is also a relatively easy language to understand, as Germans articulate more slowly and clearly when you compare German to some other languages such as Spanish or French.

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