Michael Harrison, Senior Lecturer in Economics, is a graduate of the Universities of Lancaster and Dublin, and a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, London and Trinity College, Dublin. He has held visiting positions at the Universities of Leeds and Manchester, The Queen's University of Belfast, the University of the West Indies and Senshu University, Japan, where he was a visiting professor. He served as Co-Director of the Royal Irish Academy/British Council Socio-economic Quantitative Methods Research Network, as a member of the Irish Life Investment Managers' Quantitative Analysis Steering Group and has undertaken a variety of consultancies. He is the current Director of Business, Economic and Social Studies Programme in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. His current teaching is in the area of quantitative methods and his main research interests are statistics and econometrics, in which he has published papers in such journals as Applied Economics, Biometrika, Electoral Studies, European Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, as well as in books and Irish academic journals. His current research includes work on nonlinearity, random field regression, and testing in censored and truncated models. His latest paper appeared recently in Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics.

Last Updated 23/05/06
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