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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Sit Less, Stand More

Why should I Stand More?

It’s becoming clearer that even going to the gym five times a week doesn’t mitigate against a day spent sitting.  And Trinity staff are sitting for an average of over 8 hours per day!  Current recommendations say you should stand for 2 hours of an 8 hour shift and work up to standing for 4.  Why?  Because standing engages the core muscles and help you burn fat.  Some estimates say that by increasing standing time to 4 hours a day, you can burn an extra 350 calories a day.  It’s an especially clever way for people who hate to exercise to get healthier.    Here are some tips on how to stand more from the South Australia Health Board.



Affordable Standing Desks

So you know you should stand more during the day but you’re not sure how to actually go about it. Cred Cardboard Designs, a launchbox initiative by Trinity student Jeff Mathew Sam may have the answer.

Cred Cardboard Designs create sturdy, lightweight, ergonomic, eco-friendly and recyclable furniture, which can be disassembled and stored away. Their products include Laptop mounts, Standup Desks, Side tables and Lecterns designed. The standing desks  are priced between €80-95 and laptop mounts at €15 - 20. Their products can be viewed on Facebook: 
and Twitter:
Their Standup Desks are of a unique design which can be manufactured according to a user's height, in order to be more user friendly.
For more details contact Jeff on  The standup desks can be bought under iProcurement.
The furniture designed by Cred Cardboard Designs are perfectly functional, although the exterior texture of the products are yet to be finalised.