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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Research Colloquium Archive

Dr Andrew Cusack (TCD)

"Karl Gutzkow and Karl von Holtei: An Unlikely Friendship in a Theatrical Age"

Drs. Emmeline Besamusca (Universiteit Utrecht / Universität Wien)

"Dutch tolerance? Debating women’s voting rights in the 21st century"

Dr Nicola Creighton

"Contingency: the great challenge of Weimar"

“Two Cultures: Literature and Science"
Olga Flor (Austria, writer and physicist) and Prof. Iggy McGovern (Ireland, poet and physicist)

Dr Andrew Cusack (TCD)
"Karl Gutzkow and Karl von Holtei: An Unlikely Friendship in a Theatrical Age". Paper given in commemoration of the bicentenary of Gutzkow's birth in March 1811.

Prof. Juergen Barkhoff (TCD)

‚Als ob man in eine Gruft gerufen hätte’. Zur schwarzen Anthropologie des Schauerromans in Schillers ‘Geisterseher’

Dr Peter Arnds (TCD)
From Eros to Thanatos: Hiking and Spelunking in Ludwig Tieck’s Der Runenberg

Professor Thomas Docherty (Dept of English and Comparative Literature, University of Warwick)
‘I confess’: Confessional writing and cultur

Professor Moray McGowan (TCD)
 Sebald's 'Europa'

Dr Clemens Ruthner (TCD)
Überlegungen zur Begrifflichkeit und ihrer Anwendung auf die österreichische Literatur/Geschichte nach 1945

Ms. Sorcha Fitzgerald (TCD)
“Komm! ins Offene, Freund!” Theater Lindenhof’s Volkstheater: Global issues for a local stage.

Dr Tina-Karen Pusse, Department of German, NUI Galway
"Loco sigilli. Pekäre Signaturen  in Hans Henny Jahnns Fluss ohne Ufer"

Dr. Gert Hofmann,  Department of German, University College Cork"
...sie ist Zärtlichkeit, wie unsere Popularität". Nationalerotik im Spätwerk Hölderlins

Prof. Tim Jackson, Department of Germanic Studies, Trinity College Dublin

"Dutch interest in Irish affairs in the 17th and 18th centuries as evidenced by the Fagel Collection in the Library of T.C.D"

Prof. Antony Tatlow, Drama Department, Trinity College Dublin
"Disarming Violence: Suggestions from the Marquis de Sade"Jürgen Barkhoff, (TCD)"Familiengeschichte als Landesgeschichte? Thomas Hürlimanns Familientrilogie"

Nora Maguire (TCD)
'Sie wußten nicht wie sie aus ihrer Unschuld herauskommen sollten': Paedophilic and paedophobic narrative in W.G. Sebald's prose fiction"

Dr Peter Assmann and Dr Clemens Ruthner
Alfred Kubin's "Die Andere Seite"

Moray McGowan (TCD)
"Prodigal parturition? Walter Bauer's poem 'Ich bin dein Sohn, Europa' (1947?) and the fortunes of 'wir'"

Dr Clemens Ruthner (TCD)
"WIR DEUTSCHEN..." Narrative constructions and shifts of identity in an Austrian war diary, 1944-45

3rd Peer-Assisted Learning Network Symposium
Peer Learning: Is it Good Academic Practise?

Professor Dieter Burdorf (Universitaet Leipzig)
"Auf hoher See. Lesereisen als Modelle literarischer Bildung"

Dr Peter Arnds (TCD)
'Nuda Vita and the Loss of Dwelling in 'Austerlitz': Reading Sebald through Agamben and Heidegger.'

Joshua Walker (TCD) 'Nemtsy in Russian Literature: The Problem and Five Approaches'
This paper treats the ways in which the German material in Russian literature
has been approached and appropriated over the last hundred years.

Joint Department of Film Studies and Department of Germanic Studies seminar:
Noah Isenberg (The New School, New York City)
'The Many Faces of Weimar Cinema'

Dimitré Dinev (österreichischer Schriftsteller)
'Wie sicher ist der Friede in Europa?'

Professor Helmut Peitsch (Universität Potsdam)
,Versöhnung über den Gräbern' in Günter Grass' 'Unkenrufen'

Professor Christopher Balme (LMU Munich)
Dangerous Images: German theatre and the transnational public sphere

Helen O'Sullivan (TCD)
'In der Fremdsprache haben Wörter keine Kindheit': Metaphor in Language Learner Narrative.

Dr Brigid Haines (Swansea University)
Sport, Identity and War in Sasa Stanisic's 'Wie der Soldat das Grammofon repariert'

Austrian author Ludwig Laher
will read from his novel 'Herzfleischentartung' and its English translation.

Prof. Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa (Galway)
will present a paper on "Männer, Frauen, Geld. Käuflichkeit im Werk Arthur Schnitzlers".

German author Sybille Mulot
will speak on "'Translating oracles' - Sibylle Mulots Roman 'Das ganze Glück' in der Übersetzung von Ingo R. Stoehr".

Dr. Jürgen Barkhoff (TCD)
"Franz Hohler: A Magic Realist from Switzerland"

Dr. Carrie Smith-Prei (TCD)
" Masculinities in Trauma: The Male Body in Dieter Wellershoff's 1960s Writings as Archives of New Leftist Psychological Discourse"

Helmut Peitsch of the University of Potsdam.
"Changing Meanings of Mastering the Past (1945-75)"

Professor Martina Lauster (Exeter)
"The Mobile Observer: Media and Speed in French and German Urban Sketches of the 1830s and 40s".

Nora Maguire (TCD):
"Lost luggage: reading Sebald's suitcase children".

Helen O'Sullivan (TCD):
"The Language of Lost Identity in Emine Sevgi Özdamar's 'Mutter Zunge'

Sinead Crowe (TCD):
"Metaphysics' last refuge? Religion in the theatre of Werner Fritsch"